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ISHANS405 t1_j9k97rx wrote

She was soo beautiful during Twin Peaks phase, currently on season 2, but it kinda sucks, so many episodes 🥱


AphexTwins903 t1_j9knhyb wrote

The last 10 episodes beat the whole of season 1 imo. The climax is insane


banjomin t1_j9kqw6g wrote

I’d agree that the very last episode is gold, but I think the general consensus is that after the reveal and Lynch’s departure, the quality took a nose-dive and only pulled up for the finale.


AphexTwins903 t1_j9ksuwd wrote

Huh, i had no idea Lynch had left by that point. Maybe I'm in the minority who really enjoyed that season 2 arc then. It was a little cheesy at times with the beauty pagent and all, but i found Earle to be a sinister villain topping Frank Booth from Lynch's Blue Velvet. Far stranger and creepy with his overall plans.


BunnyBabe96 t1_j9kzt2w wrote

It’s not that theyre definitively bad, but they lose all the meta-narrative because David didnt like to explain it to anyone, and he was the only one on the staff at the time that understood how everything fit together. Without him the dream falls apart


Gekokapowco t1_j9l2vpk wrote

He seems like a fantastic visionary that's equally fantastically difficult to work with


Revenant_Imp t1_j9l47qq wrote

There is a huge lull in the middle when they didn’t let David Lynch do his thing, but it gets better. Definitely recommend watching Fire Walk With Me before starting season 3!


buhgunga t1_j9m38l3 wrote

Keep going. Season 3 is the best work Lynch has ever done (and he's done some amazing stuff)