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OP t1_iuk651h wrote

If there over 18, its legal though.


t1_iuk6k8g wrote

Being legal doesn't make it right. It's still a horrible, dare I day it, unchristian thing to do. Shame on any parent who does that to their own child/children.


t1_iuk6gis wrote

Still not okay to do, what if they are still studying, or havent found a job stable enough to move out. If someone is in that situation they would want to move out ayways as soon as possible


t1_iuk6m72 wrote

Legal doesn't mean right. Legal doesn't mean moral. Slavery was legal.

If you choose to follow some storybook sky God who literally "doesn't do anything for people because he needs them to believe without proof" against the child you brought into this world, a child that the God in question apparently made with a plan KNOWING how they would feel regarding attraction to others.... Then you don't deserve your child. You're a monster.