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Pouchkine2 t1_iujx7wo wrote

Depending on the line, I can see it. I've done it.


VulcanVisions t1_iujxc05 wrote

It is inspiring to know there are other people out there on pointless journeys like myself. Thank you for this.


Pouchkine2 t1_iujxxfa wrote

There's something soothing about travelling in a bus or a train. You have time for yourself, you can observe, think.


VulcanVisions t1_iukbi4x wrote

Yes, I can tell you truly get it. I am happy to have met a fellow traveller of pointless journeys.


Pouchkine2 t1_iukbssi wrote

The journey is the point. It's also chilling to end up in these recluse urban places at the outskirts of the city. Some kind of dystopian futuristic feeling.