Submitted by Immediate_Stretch_17 t3_1283iqd in AskReddit
Immediate_Stretch_17 OP t1_jeh1486 wrote
Jeez I just googled it.. But care to explain what it might look like?
Fast-Ad-9879 t1_jeh1b2j wrote
count me in
Koitenshin t1_jeh1c10 wrote
Earth a couple billion years ago, a lifeless ball of dirt.
Anubisrising89 t1_jeh1jtw wrote
I might be showing my history nerd side. I would go back to the crusades when the catholic army marched after Saladin and got slaughtered. Go back, warn them of impending slaughter and see what the outcome would be if Saladin was actually defeated.
IllKissYourBoobies t1_jeh1lv0 wrote
1880's so I can be left TF alone.
Immediate_Stretch_17 OP t1_jeh1ti2 wrote
Wouldn't there be still some people though? 😄
fuckin69er t1_jeh1wfb wrote
I'd go back to the Dinosaurs days so I could call it a "dino-snore"!
Immediate_Stretch_17 OP t1_jeh1xjo wrote
But what'd be exciting there?
wishsleepwasoptional t1_jeh28ha wrote
I have a list of gigs starting with The Beatles at the Cavern.
derkuhlekurt t1_jeh389i wrote
The battle of Cannae. I want to see the battle and i want to listen to the discussions between Hannibal and his genrals before and especially after the battle
Koitenshin t1_jeh0x0r wrote
I'd go back and jizz in the primordial ooze. You're all welcome.