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StanYelnats3 t1_jegr0zt wrote

Don't judge me. What else are you supposed to dunk Oreos in?


nitestar95 t1_jegr36l wrote

I'm 67 and I'm still enjoying cold milk and warm chocolate chip cookies. No intestinal problems at all. Sorry if it bothers you. Wanna cookie?


Cuish t1_jegr7j0 wrote

Milk gets sour, you know. Unless it's UHT milk, but there's no demand for that because it's shite.


LoudTsu t1_jegradw wrote

That's weird, man. You got a milk thing, bruh?


vin-00 t1_jegrl5k wrote

Posting a question like that is unsettling behavior


PerfectInfamy t1_jegrp7f wrote

43..grew up eating cereal, and having milk with lunch and dinner. Nothing better than a glass of ice cold milk. I still chug it out the carton. Buy as im getting older it agrees with me less and less. I've broken one bone (I was a roofer for 15 yrs and been in construction since..).


MagpieFemale t1_jegrzc7 wrote

Sometimes I drink cashew milk mixed in with cocoa, water and marshmellows. Yes... wait... no. I'm not okay, but it's not the cashew milk's fault. The cashew milk has done nothing wrong. Do not blame the cashew milk.


mildOrWILD65 t1_jegsi78 wrote

58 here, I go through a gallon of whole milk a week, sometimes sooner. Nothing satisfies a hunger pang before bed like milk, nothing cools me off quicker than chugging a large glass of cold milk. It's delicious and I don't understand why anyone would consider it unsettling.


LnrRigby t1_jegskzj wrote

Ice cold milk after cake, donuts, cookies. Yum, yum.


iWasAwesome t1_jegtd7l wrote

Did you know human milk is the only single thing a person could consume for the rest of their life and live a long, healthy life?


Google-Fu_Shifu t1_jegthj3 wrote

Unsettling for who? Do you honestly think we're doing it just to annoy you? Do you honestly think we care that you're unsettled? Seriously? That's quite the narcissistic streak you've got going on there. You might want to see a therapist about that.


TheAbominablePeeworm t1_jegv6r7 wrote

No, I am not ok, I am horribly depressed, but it has nothing to do with me enjoying the occasional glass of milk. I just wished the bull wouldn't get so mad when I got it from him.


Lord_Mikal t1_jegwaa2 wrote

I am lactose intolerant and I still drink milk in my 30s. I just take lactase pills now. Sometimes you just want milk.