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ues1bredev t1_j2fqy8q wrote

I get really tired of seeing "Only in Ohio"

Mainly because I'm from Cincinnati lol, and it's just annoying. But yes, some things only happen in Ohio


stigmata_fuckhole t1_j2frznb wrote

"Username checks out," perhaps. Or maybe it's just me that sees it a lot.


lazyiranch t1_j2fs2h1 wrote

"snowflake" or "my pronouns are (something hateful and rude)"


slukbunwalla t1_j2ft7tv wrote

This is so staged. Nothing real ever happens.


neutrinoprism t1_j2fuobl wrote

"It's almost as if..."

This way of starting a sentence really rankles me. It's the worst kind of stereotypical reddit smugness: it gussies up some trite assertion as if it's a devastating bon mot against an imagined other, against some contemptible dum-dum on the idiot team, not like us who are on team smart. It's cheap, it's oversimplifying, and even when I agree with the sentiment that follows the phrase, I resent that this kind of cheap-shot sloganeering has displaced more thoughtful conversation. It's the pyrite of insight.

(Yes, I know I'm inviting comments using exactly that phrase...)


Ellie_ReallyHates_Me t1_j2fv10s wrote

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." It gets used a little too much these days.


Smart_Calendar1874 t1_j2fwr4x wrote

Something about a cylinder whenever you say anything at all. That's a universal problem right? It's not just me?