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PolishBishop t1_j2fne2u wrote

Go straight to bed. I have to fucking work tomorrow.


fancy_leftovers t1_j2fnyfu wrote

I'm sure I'll already be sleeping before midnight, but I'll do my best.


Begociraptor t1_j2foaot wrote

Wave towards babe; who has COVID; from a safe distance and make a heart shape with my hands


OpportunityTough9228 t1_j2fod47 wrote

watch the fireworks, enjoy a cigarette. and laugh at everyone else with their New Year's resolutions.


zazuja t1_j2fpbx1 wrote

Figure out how to start fixing my life. Listen to some music. My musical taste has changed drastically as of recently, think about that for a while as well..


Swaggerboy033 t1_j2fpeyh wrote

Already started for me. It was hugging my grandmother. After that chugging a glass of champagne


zazuja t1_j2ftaht wrote

I used to read reviews etc before choosing what to listen or find some obscure underground albums that I had to deconstruct in my mind, now my taste is more folkish, catchy and mainstream. Could be just current mood.


BoujeeMomme t1_j2fw55x wrote

Definitely have a shot of ummmm anything 🤣


ronchee1 t1_j2fx3ka wrote

Same thing I do every day Pinky