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JVR84 OP t1_j2fh9jg wrote


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fhcz1 wrote

How they differ. How they go wrong.


JVR84 OP t1_j2fhk7m wrote

And how do you think they go wrong, and how much does the differences in personality and character play a part in the logic reasoning of the brain?


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fi8ps wrote

Omg I'm about to have a feild day. :)).

How someone was brought up changes how much they play into certain habits and or methods of thought. Slight alterations can completely change someone. A mastery of change over the brain gives you a level of control unmatched. Think being able to control every aspect of your own brain. Every aspect. Hate intrusive thoguths. Completely stop it with a single thought. Turn everything to a logical proccess and then suddenly everything malluable. A master of your own mind.


JVR84 OP t1_j2fjj20 wrote

Interesting. I actually do agree with you on this in many aspects, even the smallest of habits or experiences can change someone's brain and thought process greatly.

I used to practice manually overriding certain "automatic habits" (it can become dangerous when you take it too far like I did), yet you become so much more in control of your life.

About the logic thing, I'm extremely logically minded (was told it was because of my IQ, even though I don't quite agree). And I sometimes freak out when people can't seem to do or think in a logical way, it is common sense, but many people can't see it, and they find weird, hard ways to solve problems.


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fjz6w wrote

We are much of the backwards dying star. Don't worry if that didn't make sense it's a reference to a YouTube video. All I am saying is that we are much the same.

I dabble in the control of auto proccesses. It's turtour. I wish someone had warned me when I started out. Now everything is a desiciom. But i think it was nessary. I am of a low energy level as soon as I wake up. I have not e oguh energy to last the normal person 20 minutes. So to stretch that I use thought to find the most efficient way of doing something. It's nessary but damaging at the same time.


JVR84 OP t1_j2fkg4m wrote

... I feel ya. I consciously think of almost everything I do throughout the day, I did get back some of the natural habits after I took it too far, but on the other hand I tend to overthink every single thing, and it is tiring me out. Then I use energy drinks and caffein to keep me going, even though it only covers the problem and doesn't take it away completely, so every couple of days I'm wasted tired, and sleep non stop.


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fkrhv wrote

We need therapists. No offense just being where you are. We need someone who we can just tlak to about everything form the start. Form the begininf. Who we can tell of our enlighten ment to the furtherments of the extremes of the human Brian.


JVR84 OP t1_j2fnj7e wrote

Lol... I think if I did see a therapist I'll bore them to death or they'll lock me up


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fnpxj wrote

Truly I think that would probably be what happens. I rock up there and I look alright and everything. I see the theripist and just let them know how far the brain rabbit home goes and then there like we need to monitor you for the NEC tcouple days you'll be staying with us.


JVR84 OP t1_j2fnw4y wrote

I'll do the same, or probably tell them the flaws in their analysis and why they're wrong to assume things of my brain


Not-W-1134 t1_j2fo1ui wrote

Exactly. BTW I sent you a dm so if you ever want to tlak privently about this in a way that's more open that's there