Mp32pingi25 t1_j6p34u6 wrote
I’m guessing 80% of Reddit users are male
Jazzlike-Equipment45 t1_j6p36d5 wrote
People horny on main
[deleted] t1_j6p36qa wrote
RaccoonSamson t1_j6p3741 wrote
It's a subreddit without any topic or subject matter as a basis
one of the few things we all have in common is sex.
lostlookingforamap t1_j6p39fd wrote
They don't know r/askredditafterdark is a thing.
LightningCh12 t1_j6p3ini wrote
You mean like this one?
turingparade t1_j6p3ley wrote
There's the horny posters and then there's just those who really need information across the gender barrier.
When it comes to intimacy, even for those who are experienced, the opposite gender can be elusive (both men and women).
Sometimes I wonder how much being gay would simplify things.
mtgkajhit t1_j6p3m0m wrote
Because people are given poor sexual education
poppyinflate t1_j6p3ook wrote
MINKIN2 t1_j6p3p4x wrote
Most reddit users haven't had sex
JackedVachyna t1_j6p3vy9 wrote
Because they allow teenagers here.
_manicpixie t1_j6p42le wrote
It’s a place you can ask anonymous questions.
Seems like it would be very attractive to people who have questions they’re afraid to ask anyone they actually know
HIs4HotSauce t1_j6p49du wrote
The internet is for porn/sex
riddlesintheshadows t1_j6p4q8q wrote
Because most of the people here have never had it
intoseniors t1_j6p4qqp wrote
There is not more to ask for..... humans have food ..sleep .sex oh and work But thats it.... soo take your pick
Misophonic4000 t1_j6p4t7o wrote
Because most of those posters are from the US and receive extremely poor sex education in school or at home
ilysmShroomish t1_j6p4yaq wrote
Because it's reddit
peepo_7 t1_j6p521k wrote
Cause most reddit users are virgin.
GroupAbject2151 t1_j6p52s9 wrote
Because majority of redditors brains are located in their genitals. It's a genetic disorder.
dontknowme76 t1_j6p5n77 wrote
Sex and greed continue to make the world go around.
dhole69420 t1_j6p5srd wrote
Reddit is where we find sex.
[deleted] t1_j6p5v7w wrote
gonzo8927 t1_j6p5yz6 wrote
Because most people on here probably aren't having sex
Crispyflippyknife t1_j6p656i wrote
To remind you about how boring your sad life is
Thefishthing t1_j6p663c wrote
Cause we live in an extremely paradoxal society where "sex" is everywhere, but without any education and often with very little diversity, so it's just the perfect soil to have a billion questions to be asked.
Also people are just horny on main
UntoldTemple t1_j6p6cpo wrote
How the fuck should I know? There are weirdos on Reddit.
At least I ask the important questions.
Forgot_My_Rape_Shoes t1_j6p6ezb wrote
Because sex sells.
xlovegunx t1_j6p6grn wrote
Horny people
[deleted] t1_j6p6u73 wrote
Irhien t1_j6p76tt wrote
Because they aren't? Currently only 6/25 "hot", 3/25 "rising" and 1/25 "top" posts are labelled NSFW.
nebo_amebo t1_j6p79kw wrote
Aldous Huxley was so right when he wrote Brave New World. It really is all about sex these days.
Ancient_Wisdom_Yall t1_j6p7s47 wrote
Most people have figured out how to go to work, make a sandwich and sleep. It's one of the only things that requires complex social interactions.
guava4life t1_j6p8mz6 wrote
Easy to ask sex questions being anonymous
EasyPool6638 t1_j6paqqj wrote
Because sex is a topic you don't get to explore in a conversation setting very often
Mr_Makaveli_187 t1_j6pcjeo wrote
Because most redditors are teenagers
[deleted] t1_j6p34ma wrote