YomLaila t1_jaewebt wrote
Old_Photo_7539 t1_jaewhsk wrote
Can you tell me why? I'd love to go there sometimes
Moist_Level_6839 t1_jaewj59 wrote
Oxford. It wasn't as gratifying as I was expecting. Morse lied to me!
JasenBorne t1_jaewnny wrote
Paris. couple nice buildings but generally a shithole
Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaewp66 wrote
How were the commas over there?
Annual_Rooster5678 t1_jaewpm3 wrote
That’s hilarious Cleveland was my biggest positive surprise. I expected nothing and was so surprised how much was there.
Annual_Rooster5678 t1_jaewt6a wrote
Boston. It’s wasn’t bad it was just “meh”
Annual_Rooster5678 t1_jaewufv wrote
Boston. It’s wasn’t bad it was just “meh”
FizzyBeverage t1_jaewuyf wrote
I think it’s the weather and run down feel that does it. Much like Detroit.
Annual_Rooster5678 t1_jaex04q wrote
It sure didn’t feel run down to me. We must have been in different neighborhoods.
Moist_Level_6839 t1_jaex53x wrote
Well, nobody audibly says "comma" in their sentence, if that's what you mean :P
Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaexb56 wrote
I mean, I've heard "Comma nover" plenty of times. And that's just in California!
YomLaila t1_jaexbnf wrote
I don’t really know. I was expecting something posh, Like in the movies. but in reality it was meh. Nothing special.
musiclvr1246 t1_jaexdvj wrote
IceProfessional4667 t1_jaexlyf wrote
Dare63555 t1_jaexmsd wrote
New Orleans.
It smelled of trash, vomit, and stale beer.
Moist_Level_6839 t1_jaexskk wrote
I wish I understood that, but it's late here and I'm too dumb to know what that means.. :((
bigforknspoon t1_jaexuas wrote
Louisville, Ky. All one way roads before GPS couldn't find my way around.
RegularHead1277 t1_jaey1pw wrote
San Francisco. Truly a disgusting shithole.
GuiltyGlow t1_jaey3lk wrote
Most people have a vision of what LA is due to movies and T.V shows. Unfortunately, the reality is there's just homeless people and tweakers everywhere, especially in the tourist areas where you want to go to see stuff.
Tin_OSpam t1_jaeyhiz wrote
Wordwind t1_jaeywrm wrote
Ihadsumthin4this t1_jaez1wb wrote
Cuz I wasn't in Oxford.
MrMangina22 t1_jaez98s wrote
San Francisco what a disgusting city
NickDanger3di t1_jaezdun wrote
Las Vegas. On tv, it looks so smooth and dazzling; up close it's mostly cheesy af. And everything is showing it's age.
houseofreturn t1_jaf0abz wrote
Berlin. Idk I think it was just cultural differences, but I was really excited to see the nightlife and to have a good time clubbing and like…nobody danced. It was just fist pumping the air to kinda bad EDM music. I felt like a weirdo for moving my hips at all.
Razzle-red t1_jaf13ch wrote
Austria- cold non helpful locals
YomLaila t1_jaf2zbm wrote
Ouch. I was really looking forward to going there
YomLaila t1_jaf30um wrote
It was really beautiful 20 years ago
YomLaila t1_jaf3dsc wrote
Not really a city though. And there are plenty beautiful villages and towns. Not to mention nature. So so pretty. Can’t wait to go there this Summer
SerNapalm t1_jaf3ntq wrote
I absolutely love New Orleans Soo idk
jericha t1_jaf40lw wrote
May I introduce you to the Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video and the Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video: 2nd Attempt?
Also, my dad lives in Cincinnati, and I agree. Although it’s a low bar, Ohio is not a pretty state :/
FizzyBeverage t1_jaewd9v wrote
Cleveland Ohio, but that was expected. Prettiest city in Ohio is Cincinnati.