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Tor451 t1_jae5dta wrote

I apologize for confusing you. The way masking was done in America was counterproductive and damaged sociaty.


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaea0j4 wrote

You’re surprised that people trusted masks (from your first comment), but now you think the way masking was done was counterproductive? How do you reconcile these two points?


Tor451 t1_jaeaj49 wrote

I am surprised people blindly trusted masking as being productive even after Fauci said not to trust masks then flip flopped on it, I am surprised people trusted masking without evidence of it working

It was counterproductive because people had a false sense of security when wearing masks just for starters.

It's logically consistent so I have no idea what your issue is


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaeb0fc wrote

Fauci’s statement early on in the pandemic was to avoid a mask shortage for healthcare workers. Not that you care about the details, but that was well documented. Time went on, the mask supply changed, ergo advice from the CDC changed.

I do agree with you that the half-assed attempt to mask (as well as social distance and vaccinate) in America cost lives.


Tor451 t1_jaebdrk wrote

There was never a shortage on cloth masks.

Facts do matter to me. Fauci lied. Are you saying he was justified in lying to the public?


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaecbwx wrote

There’s no point to continue arguing this - it has been debunked and settled. I know it’s tough to accept that a changing pandemic resulted in changing guidance from the CDC, but to expect things to always be the same is simply rigid, black and white thinking.


Tor451 t1_jaeedss wrote

Debunked now? Lol I expect experts who claim to represent science, like Fauci did, to have some type of scientific evidence to back up their changing guidelines. I expect them to be honest with us, to not say one thing publicly then another privately.

If he believed masks worked then he should tell us. If he wanted medical professionals to have them and was concerned about supply he should have done what my governor did, tell us to donate medical grade masks and use cloth masks.

Masks did not work. We know that now. We need a to accept where we were wrong and move on I was wrong about masks too. I was lied to and I was wrong because I believed those lies instead of fact checking Millions of people wore dirty masks because of a shortage , how many were harmed by that?
At work I am to change my filters every 8 hours. Those are the guidelines. Did they ever tell us to do that? Nope, they said "wear two instead"


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaef6vh wrote

Yup, the claim that Fauci said “masks don’t work” was grasped onto and used as political fuel for Trump’s supporters and his conspiracy-minded friends in the media.

Two questions:

Search mask effectiveness for covid - the CDC and Mayo are among the top results, both of which still recommend mask usage (including data) for reducing the contraction/transmission of covid. This directly contradicts your view. What do you make of that?

How would you have liked the mask policy to be handled in America?


Tor451 t1_jaefm3f wrote

Mask only if you have symptoms. High quality masks for those who need them like immune compromised

There was a conspiracy , maybe we should admit that. We got lied to and Trump was in charge.


Double_Stuffd_Whoreo t1_jaefz9s wrote

Edited my comment with a couple questions.


Tor451 t1_jaegc27 wrote

I answered one, I have no idea what you are talking about with the Mayo clinic, link the study of you want m to see it