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t1_jaew6ev wrote

I got grounded because my friend's mom mailed something to me that I didn't even know I was getting to begin and the reason is because they didn't put my name on the envelope correctly.

My dad was a good dad, but he was a puzzling fucking piece of work at times.


t1_jaew6zk wrote

Eating cookies my friend gave me.

His sister ripped me a new one even though I was only one out of a group of five or so whom he gave them to and he didn't tell us she baked them or that they were special for a gathering of her friends later.

The strange thing is: you'd imagine we were all children, right? Nope. Upper teens and her brother was upper 20s or so.


t1_jaex046 wrote

everything was a swear. couldn't say cheeze whiz cuz it sounded too much like jeez whiz.


t1_jaexlmu wrote

Being thirsty after my band concert in 7th grade. My mom went through the drive thru at burger king and hit a pole with the side of her truck. My father screamed and punished me for being thirsty. Screamed he hoped the soda was worth it. Damage was just a dent on the side of the truck. I wasn’t the driver, not old enough to drive, and it was an accident.

I’m an adult and in therapy. It was always like this growing up.


t1_jaeyd6k wrote

When I was in grade school it was a thing for the other kids to doodle on your arms in marker. Just the skin, it didn't ruin clothes or anything. For some reason this absolutely enraged my mom lol. She would scream "why are you letting them deface you?!?!". She was pretty normal otherwise and as an adult I still don't understand what her deal was about marker arms.


t1_jaezit0 wrote

I got a severe beating for putting chess pieces on a board too slowly.


t1_jaezuus wrote

I was a very quiet kid in elementary school. My grades weren't great to begin with, but one day my teacher called my home before I got there and said I was screwing around in class, talking too much, passing notes, and all around being disruptive. Well, she had called the wrong phone number because I knew exactly which kid she was talking about and it sure as hell wasn't me. Didn't matter though, I got home not expecting anything because I didn't do anything wrong and was met with the full wrath and fury of my dad flipping his shit over my grades "and now this". Then I got in trouble for lying because they didn't believe me when I said the idiot teacher must have dialed the wrong number. All they had to do was call her back, but nope.


t1_jaf08iv wrote

Got suspended from school for a week because I Stole a book out of someone’s bag to wipe my arse because the emergency toilet at school had no bum roll