Submitted by Msweet5300 t3_11eh7ms in AskReddit
GotMyOrangeCrush t1_jadz8k5 wrote
A former classmate with no criminal record bought a gun, committed armed robbery and was arrested and convicted.
Even though this was his first offense, it was a felony with a firearm which meant a mandatory five year prison sentence.
h2ohow t1_jadz98e wrote
Screwing the intern.
manson6t6 t1_jadztdm wrote
My BIL got 2 women pregnant at the same time, married one of them, had 2 more kids all while not having a job and living in his parent's garage.
Bahluu t1_jadzuva wrote
Drugs. Seems like almost overnight
kbs14415 t1_jadzy5w wrote
Hit and run from a motor vehicle accident and the person that was hit died they were caught a year later,they are now in prison.
Seaworthiness14 t1_jae0946 wrote
Fell for a barmaid ended up getting a divorce and lost his middle level management job. She was not even hot.
Captn_curd t1_jae1683 wrote
Meth. Not even once.
half-witigator t1_jae2ooq wrote
Neighbor growing up was practicing ollies on his driveway. Wasn’t wearing a helmet, since he was basically just jumping up and down from a standstill. Fell down and smacked his head, and while he didn’t die, he’ll never be able to live on his own or have a job. 15 years old when it happened.
AdmiralBofa t1_jae385r wrote
My cousin got a speeding ticket. He was going like 20mph over the limit, but anything 15+ over is reckless driving. And his kid was in a car seat in the back. So that's felony child endangerment. He lost his license, lost his job, and a judge awarded his ex sole custody of the kid. He never quite recovered. He ended up bankrupt with a big alcohol problem. Up until that ticket, he had his shit together, but everything that happened after it ruined him.
thatgirlSophia_ t1_jae76q3 wrote
Get another dui
TopScruffy t1_jae7arj wrote
That actress who was setup to get her own Star Wars series and be a star, but couldn't keep her mouth shut in the political tribe war and is now doing movies for Ben Shapiro.
EraseWhitey t1_jae8flc wrote
New guy at a factory celebrated finally finding a job by doing a shot at the bar next door during lunch. Got fired after 4 hours of work.
Katerina1996 t1_jaecbnx wrote
To be fair I did meth for a few months and quit and never looked back. I realise I'm one of the few though but yeah I'm doing really well for myself.
I've looked up acquintences from that time of my life who also did meth, and half of them have disappeared and the other half look like their lives are in ruins so... Yeah, would not recommend. It's true what they say about how addictive it is and luckily I just noticed that I wasn't myself anymore and quit before it really got to me.
Katerina1996 t1_jaedu6x wrote
A family friend shot herself, but she survived. Half her face was missing (basically her whole bottom jaw was blown off and I think her nose was split or something) and had to have multiple reconstructive surgeries and she could barely talk. She regretted her decision. She was also a very beautiful woman.
Before she woke up her husband was actually charged with murder because she used his gun (that was only licensed to him - we don't live in the US and there are strict gun laws here), but luckily she woke up and was able to testify that she attempted suicide and he played no part! This happened while he was walking the dog for only 20mins...
__Pers t1_jaee4oo wrote
While in high school, after a few too many beers, a classmate of mine dove off a pier into shallow water, leaving him paralyzed.
orchardpeach4 t1_jadz5o3 wrote
I know a guy who has to report to federal prison a month because he was part of jan 6 and I think he really just got caught up in the moment but f him