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jrp162 t1_ir4tavs wrote

Well tevas hold up great.

Signed, A fat guy with small feet (8.5W US)

Ps. I should note they weren’t the cheapest tevas. They were the hurricane ones (I think). They were also ones that had like felt on them (instead of just foam and nylon straps); the felt was the part that went first.


KingOfTheProles t1_iscupno wrote

The felt isn't supposed to last. It's not there to make the shoe better. A certain percentage of the sole having felt allows them to have a lower import tarrif charged to the company when they are manufactured in a foreign country. It's something along the lines of being taxed as slippers instead of as shoes. The felt should wear off in a few days so you have full rubber soles. There are a bunch of companies that use this loophole.


jrp162 t1_iscvvkj wrote

Oh yea. I know. But it lasted awhile despite it being felt. It was impressive. My new ones have no felt.