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Muncie4 t1_jakh44k wrote

Your question has no answer, so you are going to get a spiral of advice without help. USB, cigarette, USB-C are the inputs. Apple to Samsung to Inductive charging are outputs. There are 10,000 places in 10,000 different vehicles where the inputs, outputs and places to charge your phone vary along with other subtleties like fast charging capacity of your phone vs capacity of the charger.

And you are discounting other options like a portable battery which can be used outside of your car's resources.

I'm sorry but the internet isn't going to help with this question. Buy what is practical for your situation and run with it.


skollywag92 OP t1_jaki3mv wrote

Thanks dude! I was caught up in emotions this morning because my car charger that I recently bought takes like 6 hours to charge my phone. Hahahaha reddit has always been helpful so I figured I'd ask you guys. You're completely right though. Thank you for the sobering reply.