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Sunshinehaiku t1_jecn4tq wrote

Liquor stores.


Hortonthepuppyprince t1_jed7yrs wrote

This is the one. The boxes from the liquor store are sturdy as hell


GrubH0 t1_jeeph24 wrote

It varies, but yes. They have some very good boxes. They also use boxes for customer purchases, so some can be cranky at the question.


Muncie4 t1_jefemz4 wrote

This is the way. Much sturdier due to holding glass. Most stores are small enough where they pitch them without a story policy/recycling bin.


Bongos-Not-Bombs t1_jegjzps wrote

The advantage with liquor boxes is that they're often smaller, and don't turn into 75lb behemoths like the 20" cube moving boxes can.