No-Suggestion8452 t1_jdp1r05 wrote
Looks too thin to actually be stone.
Diotima245 t1_jdp1vpt wrote
Closest I could find
Almost $9000 so have fun… 😏
SpringsClones t1_jdp4c3u wrote
Definitely NOT stone / natural at all...
OP - search on faux stone table tops and you'll find many very cheap options...
kivshay t1_jdp7kym wrote
Restoration hardware had some gorgeous marble tables a while back if you want to spend similar amounts of money to a new car
MalagrugrousPatroon t1_jdpb35w wrote
Calligaris has extending and fixed tables using stone style ceramic tops. I've seen them in person and they look great, and the extension mechanisms are very smooth.
make-me-lol-plz t1_jdpy3qq wrote
Furniture village has tables like this in the UK. Ceramic topped so they are hard wearing and heat resistant. My table...$ja=tsid:%7ccid:19033675916%7cagid:%7ctid:%7ccrid:%7cnw:x%7crnd:10608731000113588968%7cdvc:m%7cadp:%7cloc:1006741&cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=19033675916&cq_con=&cq_term=&cq_med=pla&cq_plac=&cq_net=x&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2v-gBhC1ARIsAOQdKY3pbZxZAAtBJ4s8qq7vf1_6Ug4UnBkcYcQjRo_qxMiWPjSM_WCGUC4aAngWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
mypandaisWallace t1_jdq4yad wrote
It's nice but it looks like it's going to crawl towards me
mgrinc t1_jdqigrm wrote
Have a local countertop company cut you one then bolt some legs to it. Corian will give you that look, and be slightly cheaper. But you’ll be 2k plus for a table that big.
CarelessChoice2024 t1_jdqjjut wrote
This looks like someone painted a sheet of wood to look like stone. Hard to tell from the picture quality but that’s my guess.
Companies like Dekton and Neolith sell large format porcelain that looks similar but it’s better for walls and not countertops or tables due to chipping.
SgtEddieWinslow t1_jdrfp3p wrote
I think this is one of those MDF sheets painted to look like stone. And then clear coat epoxy on top.
There is a bunch of YouTube videos of people making these.
[deleted] t1_jdrzcp6 wrote
[deleted] t1_jebe9f5 wrote
Diotima245 t1_jdp19hk wrote
I feel like this would be difficult to place