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SuddenMacaroon8355 t1_je63r8t wrote

The boots themselves won’t last you for life, I’ve got a few pairs of clapped out boots from them.

But I will continue buying Muck boots for life, because the quality and comfort is amazing. Light, warm, great grip and obviously waterproof.


pm_me_cool_plants t1_je672d3 wrote

I go through the pair OP bought in a summer. Let it be known tho that I do chemical stripping and powerwashing so they are covered in bleach, acid, and potassium hydroxide consistantly. Great great boots.


qwertyconsciousness t1_je7ya2e wrote

Can't think of a better way to simulate a lifetime of wear in one summer than inundation with caustic and corrosive materials lol


flannelheart t1_je6gcca wrote

I'd like to emphasize the warm aspect. I get cold feet way too easy and the Muck Woody Max were the only thing to keep my feet warm in sub-zero weather. And comfortable!


treesthecharm t1_je69716 wrote

Agreed. A coworker’s pair is currently held together with duct tape after a few seasons. Great until they get to that point though


Sometimes_Stutters t1_je7fadl wrote

My experience as an ice fishing guide is that they last about one season (4-5 months) of daily use


Realistic_Young_3014 t1_je7kh42 wrote

Yeah mine used to last just shy of a field season. Never could find a pair that lasted long


PowerlineTyler t1_je7os1t wrote

Great response, came to say similar: from experience in the workforce.

Good boots, won’t last though


ExpressConfection444 t1_je85fh4 wrote

Same. Comfortable but they don’t seem to last. Lacrosse hold up 2 seasons for me but they’re not quite as comfortable as the Mucks.


DialsMavis t1_je862qq wrote

I’m disappointed by my new (first) pair. I have a large foot and am pretty thin but the boots seem to have been made for a person with a large foot and Sasquatch legs. Other than that they would be great.