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xKobito OP t1_jd3csuj wrote

Oh, so that's where you go? (I'm sorry, it was right there on a platter and I couldn't resist - obviously you're not trash 🙂).

Yeah, they're not cheap. But the satisfaction of having them match, perfectly fit in that corner, look fairly neutral and be pleasant to use... It's worth it for me for an item I use multiple times a day, every day.

I understand that's not for everyone and encourage you to spend as much as you want on your bins.


ESLTATX t1_jd3fcqe wrote

No no no, sorry haha didn't mean to sound snotty. They do look great, and i spent about $90 for mine, as it opens and closes with proximity. But i should've thought about that before, because i have a huge dog who can open it and get shit out of it LMAO.

I'm sad at how much trash i produce week in week out, too. 💀💀💀🤷🏽‍♂️😂


xKobito OP t1_jd3lldd wrote

Haha no worries, I just saw an opportunity and had to go for it!

Ouf, pets have their ways of making us think twice about what we get. Thankfully, our cats have never tried to get to the rubbish because these cans would make the perfect traps. 🤣