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impy695 t1_jduiavr wrote

And what a lot of coffee snobs don't get is that, a lot of people like their specific coffee, even if it is poorly brewed. Nostalgia, comfort, and repeated "exposure" can make even awful drinks taste amazing.

I say this as someone who has spent way too much time and money on coffee. I just have a soft-spot for gas station coffee. I don't mean the stiff sheetz has with tons of options and stored in containers that won't burn it. It's the ones that use like 3 home coffee makers and all of them are solid brown on the bottom from burnt coffee. I'd go for that over my pour over every day of the week.


PierogiKielbasa t1_jduqygm wrote

Yep, whenever I make coffee how mom used to, it ain't good, but it tastes like home. Definitely requires the copious amounts of non-dairy creamer and Sweet & Low we grew up with.