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t1_je9mjg1 wrote

I don’t understand how it’s possible to not lose a pen within the first week of ownership.


t1_je9otis wrote

Buy a good one and you’ll understand. You’ll just be more mindful of it.

Honestly it’s a GREAT proxy for any other BIFL product


t1_je9r0on wrote

Unfortunately I only loose the expensive items I buy. Cheap pens, sunglasses, etc I have had forever.


t1_jea0i4t wrote

There’s a comedy skit idk if it’s bill engval about losing cheap and expensive glasses you could be leaning over the side of a cruise ship with a pair of cheapos on and they fall off and a GD scuba diver will come up from the depth hey anyone lose a pair of cheapers


t1_jea8keb wrote

This is very true. I've had a five dollar pair of sunglasses for a decade. I've lost them multiple times and they always come back.

Meanwhile I've lost three expensive pairs. Of course, I'm sure when people find the nice ones, they just keep them. Because there are a lot of jabronis out there.


t1_jeapqys wrote

> Because there are a lot of jabronis out there.


but true...


t1_jecqvni wrote

Ah yes, I hadn’t considered the jabroni factor, but that does make sense


t1_jeaal38 wrote

For me it's specific items that get broken or lost for me regardless of value.

Sunglasses? My ADHD ass can somehow keep those for a decade with nearly daily use.

Pens? I can keep so long as they don't get stolen.

But earbuds? Broken in a month. Lost after a few months. Ruined in a week. I got gifted a pair of those Bluetooth earbuds that have the cord that goes behind your neck... They fell into a porta potty within 36 hours never to be seen again.

The longest I'd ever been able to keep some was a pair of nice Shure IEMs that had a replaceable cord. I bought them as a birthday gift to myself. Keep them a year and a half. About 2 months ago they just disappeared, I think they fell out of a coat pocket when I got a glove out of the same pocket and I somehow didn't notice. I died a little inside, thought I had finally beat that demon.


t1_jeaeg3j wrote

My wife thinks I'm weird because I actually finish my chapstick tubes instead of losing them at some point. I have about a dozen tubes, mostly unopened, and they'll probably last me most of the rest of my life.


t1_jec2tk9 wrote

Wow, are we the same person?

I've kept pens for years and I can't remember losing a pair of sunglasses (then again, I have rx sunglasses, so perhaps my mindset is a little bit different than most people).

But damn if I'm not hard on headphones. I finally learned to get ones with a really good warranty and/or replaceable cables because I am annoyingly good at breaking them.


t1_jec3865 wrote

Do you always lose sound in the right ear of all your earbuds? Cause if so I think we might be the same person.


t1_jeajuk5 wrote

I think it is much more how and where you work. I am in IT so do multiple onsites a day. So I wouldn't even bring a more expensive pen with me as I know what will happen. Those stay on my desk in my office. I just sit at too many desks and will eventually it will get put down and disappear. Nice pens are too pocketable and it will walk away. I usually carry something like a zebra 301 with me but I have been carrying a collapsible space pen with me that is a bit more expensive. I realized I bought it years ago to use on the road, and never really used it because, I was worried about losing it. Maybe in my old age I will be more mindful.


t1_jeal58s wrote

Fr, I used to deliver pizzas. Just any pen, yeah it’s gone by the end of the day. But the $20 pen my grandma gave me for Xmas. I’m not letting it out of my sight.


t1_jecpfso wrote

But I managed to keep hold of most of my Jotters, even though they’re under 10, just bc I liked them so much


t1_jeavsuk wrote

make sense, but it still just writes like a common pen (writing quality aside)

is there a secondary market for designer pens?


EDIT: trying to understand, because I would have lost it in a week.


t1_je9r9d9 wrote

I like those needle-point Sharpie brand pens and carry one of them on the daily. Been on the same box of them for a couple of years now and usually get 6+ months out of one.

The trick is treating it like another checklist item in the phone, wallet, keys (…pocketknife, pen) lineup.


OP t1_je9wzoh wrote

I keep mine in the pen holder built into the folio. In order to lose the pen, I’d have to lose the folio, which is much harder (but not impossible!) to do.


t1_je9y5fl wrote

Place it within a notebook or journal.

Never take it away from that journal or notebook. That pen now belongs to that journal or notebook.

It should be to the point where maybe you get a sudden phone call while using the notebook and pen, and they ask "do you have a pen ready", and you say "not ready no, gimme a sec to get one and some paper". And then, scramble to find a loose pen to use instead.

Source: Me, diagnosed ADHD-C in college, hasn't lost a pen that I associated with planner, subject 1 notebook, subject 2 notebook, etc.


t1_jea5fse wrote

Not pen but mechanical pencil for me. I've had it since 2014. I thought I lost it once and was truly heartbroken bc I got so attached with it. Found it tucked under my pile of books and was so relieved.


t1_jea9hz1 wrote

I lost a lot less pens when I started working from home.

Still lose them from time to time though...


t1_jebi66z wrote

I thought the same thing, until I bought my first fountain pen back in... 2016? 2017? It was a Pilot Metropolitan, I think it was about $15. Once you spend $15 on a single pen, you're gonna watch it a bit more closely than a 5 pack of ballpoints for $2. And once you spend over $150 on a pen, you're really gonna make sure you don't lose it.


t1_jecptww wrote

Amen. I thought I lost my Raden VP once and about had a gorram heart attack!


t1_jecxjol wrote

Within a few days of getting my yellow VP it opened in my pocket, fell out of my pocket while getting out of my car, and landed nib first on the street which just trashed the nib. My wallet was hurting that week.


t1_jecdukj wrote

The Jotter in particular always has a way of ending back where it needs to be.

I’m not a pen guy but I love mine to bits.


t1_jednodm wrote

100% this. I've got a space pen I've had for years because I never use it or carry it. If I did, I guarantee it would be gone for life.


t1_je9m45a wrote

Can confirm on this one! Had mine for the last 15 years and still keeps going strong!!


OP t1_je9mftc wrote

Its just so aesthetically pleasing. I was at MoMA recently and they have some functional art, everyday objects in there. Love that stuff. This pen could be on display there!


t1_je9nktz wrote

You should get yourself a Chemex coffee maker.


t1_jea643p wrote

What is this, a James Bond thread?!

(both Chemex coffee makers and Parker Jotter pens are used in Bond films/books)

In goldeneye the explosive pen is a PJ (“I am invinceeeeble!”)


t1_jea2y5l wrote

I'm currently drinking my Chemex coffee while reading these comments.


t1_jeae61j wrote

Do you happen to use the Space Pen ink refills in yours? I forgot mine on a vacation in South Dakota and have been missing it ever since.


t1_jeb31en wrote

My Mum had the same one, I wouldn't be surprised if that was still going too!

I was speaking to someone the other day about how Parker quality has plummeted. I bought one the other year and it was absolutely terribly made.


t1_je9pml0 wrote

BEST PEN EVER! And you’re lucky, you must have one with the concave clicker. Some years ago they switched the clicker from concave to convex and that really bummed me out. Because there’s no better way to pass the time at boring meetings then by trying to stand upright your pen. And the convex clickers won’t balance. But I have gotten better at standing my pen on the tip, so I’ve got that going for me. And this pen also doubles as a hood prying device when you need a little tool to pry something open. Such a great pen, I’ve seriously thought of getting it as a tattoo.


t1_je9ro0p wrote

It's also the most commonly used prop pen in movies and TV. It's the grenade pen in "Goldeneye" and you'll see them in Mad Men and dozens of other shows (often with the colored plastic grips).


t1_jearskc wrote

Yes! It's such a simple, classic design that set dressers love using it. I play an ongoing game with my wife watching movies and TV to call out any Parker Jotters we see.


t1_je9n0r1 wrote

Coach stuff lasts forever


OP t1_je9xs8k wrote

Yeah, I included that in the photo because that pen and that folio have been a team for a long time! The folio isn’t as old as the pen, but it’s nice. Got it half price at an outlet store probably 20 years ago. The leather is so soft but needs a little shoe polish once in a while for the scuffs.


t1_je9rdcd wrote

I think every pen could be BIFL except I can’t keep track of them…


t1_jea09h9 wrote

Yeah this is a metal tube basically with a replaceable ink cartridge and spring. Only thing I could see failing on it is the clip if you put too much strain on it.


t1_je9v4h8 wrote

I love the clicker on this pen, but sometimes I find the taper so extreme it’s hard to keep a grip on it while writing.


t1_jeapr0f wrote

Was looking for this comment. The taper looks nice, but it's less than functional for me. My fingers keep slipping down the pen as I write.


t1_je9qgdz wrote

are they worth it ? I use a pen to journal wish is very important to me but I need a better pen I would love one to last me forever


t1_je9xodx wrote

They are very nice pens, but depending on how long you spend journaling, it may not be your best choice as it’s not the most comfortable pen to hold for long periods of time writing.


t1_je9xwrs wrote

I journal everyday almost my handwriting has improved but is not the best because of my disability I just want a high quality pen that works for me and will last me I was thinking about getting a fountain pen but I don’t know enough


t1_jea8c0b wrote

When looking into quality / quality of life items, personal preference becomes more important and way more options open up. I have a Parker Jotter, and I get the appeal but I have pretty big hands and it’s uncomfortable for using for more than signatures for me. I got into fountain pens last year and am falling down the rabbit hole, but they’re awesome. They’re often considered more friendly for people with some disabilities as they require much less pressure to write with, they’re designed to write under their own weight so you don’t have to press down to get ink on the page, which leads to less hand strain and cramping for longer writing like journaling. Neil Gaiman is noted for handwriting novels with fountain pens, even. There are all kinds of materials, pen body shapes and sizes, etc. so it is possible to get something that fits you just right. /r/fountainpens has lots of info/resources, but if you have any specific questions about beginner pens, general information, etc. feel free to shoot me a DM, I’d be happy to help!


t1_je9ya5o wrote

This would be at least as comfortable as most fountain pens and as someone pointed out, it’s around $11, so it’s not an inexpensive pen, but it’s not an investment either.


t1_jebt32v wrote

Fountain pens write totally different. Honestly, the best advice is to just order a few different pens. Go on a stationary site, order a few different kinds of cheap pens, see what you like. Then buy a nice version of whatever style you liked most (gel/ink, rollerball, needle tip, fountain pen etc).

Fountain pens write totally differently though. You might have to relearn how to write. Honestly, I've no idea - a fountain pen might be easier or more difficult for you to write with regarding your disability. I'd check out some YouTube videos of people writing with them to get an idea of it first before buying one, they cost a lot more than normal pens.


OP t1_je9xeh5 wrote

After 35 years, the cost of something like this becomes immaterial. It writes great and looks great. I have no idea what I paid for it.


t1_jeajmoj wrote

The regular Parker Jotter work great and have same feel and are only a few bucks in store (difference is the bottom is plastic and metal accent vs all metal).

Same refills and super available I'd also recommend the space pen. They are excellent as well. (Wife keeps one in purse and uses one daily).

Jotter is my all time favorite though.


t1_jeandjo wrote

So it’s worth the money and it’s high quality people tell me Parker isn’t worth it anymore but I think it’s ok


t1_jeaup6g wrote

I have one of the metal and others a few. They are still the same I think people just found more high end options. For me .. reliable, comfortable, compact.

Doesn't look bad in any form either.

I mean I'm sure there's metrics and studies and cliques with different opinions for me it's the same form factor, it's a pen that writes reliably and doesn't blowup in my pocket.(terrible habit of pocket pen carrying but hey I guess I've been ok with these....what more do I want.


t1_jeao4lz wrote

I've used these pens exclusively for 15ish years now. I love them, and honestly they are only like $8. Not exactly breaking the bank for an item that lasts that long. You will have to buy ink refills of course, but those are like 3/$6 IIRC.


t1_jebxtw3 wrote

I have not had the same experience as seemingly everyone else here. I bought one a few years ago and after a while the nib began getting caught in the opening of the body, meaning I couldn't retract the nib without manually pushing it back. I contacted Parker and they were kind enough to send me a new one, however the same issue plagued the new one as well.


t1_jedt6kl wrote

Honestly, yes. I love pens, have WAY too many of all kinds, good, nice, very nice, and my parker pens are always in my top. They come in colors too, not just silver or gold and if you get online you have have them engraved with names for special occasion gifts.


t1_je9omw0 wrote

Love this pen. The click action is sloppy as hell but it’s fun


t1_je9v5xd wrote

I’ve got that same Coach folio. Love it!


OP t1_je9y0j4 wrote

It’s beautiful but my only pet peeve is that it doesn’t lay perfectly flat when open. Small complaint though.


t1_jea9tqx wrote

The clicker failed on every Parker I’ve ever owned. I tried quite a few hoping it was just bad luck because I like the way they look


t1_jeecykf wrote

Same. I wish I could endorse this pen but I've owned two of them now, and in both cases the clicker stopped working with 6 months.

If there's some widely known fix for this, I'd love to learn about it. Great pen, but it's been surprisingly unreliable for me.


t1_jea56ij wrote

I keep on seeing 'tacticool' pens advertised, and wonder why people don't just go for the stainless steel jotter - there's even a mechanical pencil and cartridge pen options. They're pretty much indestructible.


t1_jeb6aoe wrote

How do you people hold onto pens for more than a week?


OP t1_jeb9mxs wrote

Good question. This is my “work pen”, so it only travels certain places. When I attend a meeting outside my office, I only have a few personal effects with me and they are easier to track. Thats the best explanation I can give.

I lose sunglasses all the time but that’s because I take them to restaurants, bars, visiting friends and relatives etc etc. Many more places than the pen will ever see, so more opportunity to forget or misplace them. Dont get me wrong, I’ve forgotten this pen a few times but was lucky enough to recover it. But, I usually knew where to look.


t1_je9pqm7 wrote

I've got one of these I've had for about 15 years. I really like the how the gel ink inserts write.


t1_je9tkk6 wrote

Nice I’ve got the exact same pen, love it. Got me through high school and then an engineering degree. Still use it daily


t1_je9uzro wrote

Oh man. I don't know if they still make them but in the early 2000 I tried to buy one it was so flimsy compared to the one I had in the 1990s.


t1_jeajl90 wrote

my brand new parker got it's spring fucked up within the first 3 weeks :(


t1_jeakahg wrote

I have this exact pen. I got it as a pair with a fountain pen of the same style from my mum for Christmas in about 2005. I have used it almost daily ever since. It even got stolen once but I was able to get it back.


t1_jeav18i wrote

Also Joe Pesci taught me you can use to shank someone who decides to try you


t1_jeav2cw wrote

Can confirm. Mine is 28 years old.


t1_jee4yqz wrote

I've got one that was a gift to me in high school. I had lost it for a year or so when a teacher mistook it as hers, I recognised it on her desk a year later by a small scratch mark that was on it. Still have it to this day, resides in a small pen box in my car's glovebox now.


t1_jef88aa wrote

Coach leather - another BIFL item across all categories!


t1_je9vm55 wrote

I lost my fully stainless steel one. The replacement I bought is half stainless and half black plastic. Don’t like it nearly as much.


t1_je9voyy wrote

I love the old Coach products too


t1_jea64mp wrote

Quick, whats the best refill for it? I've tried a few but haven't found the sweet spot if flow but also not being too wet that it pulls across the page with my damn hand!


OP t1_jea8in4 wrote

I bought a bunch of OEM Parker refills online, but that was probably 5 years ago and I am still working through those. They seem to work well. Good luck!


t1_jeaghka wrote

Is that a Coach wallet or binder?


OP t1_jeagzde wrote

Binder. It holds 8.5x11 pads.


t1_jeah3ma wrote

Have you had the binder as long as the pen? If so, the leather really holds up well


OP t1_jeaj6ly wrote

Not quite as long. I’d say the binder is about 20 years old. The leather is SOFT, but I polish it with black shoe polish once in a while because it gets scuffed from use.


OP t1_jeajj4s wrote

Actually I do have a Coach wallet as well! I’m not big on name brands but I also bought it for cheap at a Coach outlet and love it. Its a slim design. Geez that thing is pretty old too and in great shape! Some definite BIFL wins!


t1_jeaklly wrote

I have a metal Jotter and it's been going great for like 3 years so far for me. It's so great!


t1_jeangkv wrote

I still have and use the Parker pen and pencil set I got as a graduation gift 30 years ago. They are fantastic.


t1_jeap2oc wrote

Lost my old one and bought a new one. The quality is awful by comparison.


t1_jeau6t0 wrote

I have a parker IM ballpoint pen and i absolutely love it. First pen that lasted more than 2 years without losing it. The refils might be expensive but they write so smooth and last for a long ass time


t1_jeav6ct wrote

Schmidt Easy Flow 9000. You're welcome.


t1_jeaxi8m wrote

Ive got the same one; had it for at least 20 years now. Not a dent to be seen, even though I’ve dropped it plenty of times. Same deal with the fountain pens Parker makes; they’re virtually indestructible.


t1_jeb7t8q wrote

This is my favorite pen!! Not the plastic top, the full stainless. Great taste!


t1_jebbvyt wrote

My dad swore by these. Apparent the quality has gone down for the new ones.


t1_jebc0ef wrote

Yeah! And then you find out Parker made a lot of pens in solid gold back in the day and BOOM goes your bank account


t1_jebc33k wrote

I have the same one! Wrote my Abitur with it 3 years ago, and nearly every exam I had since.


t1_jebfko8 wrote

Can confirm. I got one of these as a going-away present from the Luftwaffe in 2002, still using it.


t1_jebip79 wrote

I bought a parker pen recently! It wasnt very expensive and it writes very well. My only little complaint is its weighted very far back which im just not use to. Its been a joy to write with... but i think my all time favorite pen is still whatever the basic Zebra ballpoint is called. I have noticed a steep drop in quality the last few years from zebra though. I keep buying a new one every couple years just in case they get it right (write?) Again... it just feels off now and the ink flow is so spotty at times. Anyway im off topic now. I LOVE YOUR PEN!


t1_jebiyam wrote

Kinda weird question, but can i see pics of the leather.... notebook? thing? I think id really like something like that


OP t1_jebjkfb wrote

Its a leather folder/folio case made by Coach. It holds a standard 8.5x11 lined pad and has a pen holder loop and a slot for business cards inside. I got it years ago at a Coach outlet store. Would recommend.


t1_jebjx25 wrote

Im too broke for coach anything atm, but ill definitely keep this in mind. Maybe i can find something similar i didnt know how to describe them. Thanks for your help! Im left handed so spiral notebooks really suck for me at times.


OP t1_jebl0y6 wrote

I’m sure Coach isn’t the only source for something like this, so look around. I’m not the kind of person to flash name brands and I hate the fact that it says Coach on the outside of it, but it’s good quality so I bought it. For years I used a cheap plastic one then I saw this like 50% off at an outlet store and grabbed it. I usually cover the Coach branding with my hand when I walk into a meeting with it lol!


t1_jebl7oq wrote

I feel the same way! A perfect one for me would have no branding and simply be well made!


t1_jebkfte wrote

I have one of these. Not as old as yours but still a great pen. Got a couple refills in my desk waiting as well.


t1_jebndhw wrote

Yeah. I would have lost that... 35 years ago. :)


t1_jebvqvu wrote

I am impressed that you were able to keep a pen for this long!!! Am I the only one here that loses their pen on a daily basis? 😂


t1_jebw8ea wrote

Real talk tho: what kind of pen ink refill are you using?


OP t1_jec1efx wrote

Parker Quinkflow


t1_jefac6g wrote

Solid. I personally use the Fisher space pen refills. Then I have a clicky pen that writes upside down and on paper w/ grease/oil spots


OP t1_jefd0sd wrote

I think I’ll retire before I use up the extra refills I have but thanks for the recommendation!


t1_jebyn3b wrote

I’ve been using mine for years too. Love that classic Parker click.


t1_jebyy9t wrote

I wonder if anyone also remembers the Cross pen and pencil sets in silver and gold.


t1_jec9r26 wrote

So much love for the click action here, but no love for the pocket clip. I love my jotter and have carried it every day to work for the last 6 years. The clip is solid and is the reason it hasn’t been lost yet.


t1_jeccgy2 wrote

Many years ago I bought a Cross pen which had a “lifetime warranty”. It broke about 3 years later and they replaced it no prob. However that pen mechanism also broke and they told me they no longer honor warranties. Just not the quality product it used to be.


t1_jecjwqv wrote

Oooh finally something I have also.

I need to get a blue insert the once I've had is black. I'm very pleased to know they have been supporting those cartridges for ever.


t1_jectr9x wrote

Can anyone recommend a BIFL fine point ink pen? I love the Pilot G2 0.38mm which is about the perfect width. It just seems like most BIFL pens are much wider than that


t1_jed5kxw wrote

Love the pen but the Coach portfolio is a rich man's folder that is way too expensive for me.

I could probably buy a Necronomicon for that price and at least cast spells


t1_jed8ur8 wrote

Got one as a gift years ago and it’s the best pen. Such a simple and elegant design.


t1_jedurg7 wrote

That pen was made in Janesville, Wisconsin. I think they moved production off seas. Honestly, I don’t know if they make Parker Pens anymore.


t1_jee5jhm wrote

The real miracle here is that you haven’t lost it and no one has stolen it in 35years.


OP t1_jeeb837 wrote

Lost it briefly a few times over the years but luckily found it. Now I keep it paired with the folio and as long as I dont lose that, I won’t lose the pen.


t1_jefvydr wrote

I have my mother's Parker 51 vacuumatic fountain pen from the 40's (75+ years old) and her Jotter from the 50's (60+ years). Both work beautifully - I used them through high school and college and still use both today. I love Parkers...


t1_jeagwbb wrote

Have the same pen. Those are indestructible!