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2021sammysammy t1_jbd8zqu wrote

Are Arc'teryx products not as good anymore? I was hoping to get one of their jackets once I get enough disposable income


Optimist1988 t1_jbdfsqw wrote

The jackets are great and imo the best fit as well. They’re expensive but where I live it’s always raining and I’m willing to lay for the quality


huskers2468 t1_jbe7xp1 wrote

My jacket from 2 years ago is one of the best constructed piece of clothing I've bought in a long time. They are still worth it in my opinion.


jdotmark12 t1_jbdmw47 wrote

Apparently they were bought by a Chinese company and have gone downhill since.

Don’t have any personal experience but people say they focus a lot on being a luxury brand.


PrimeIntellect t1_jbg1rbd wrote

I have only had good experiences with every Arc'teryx product I've purchased. They are all expensive as hell but the quality is absolutely there. I think they make the best shells you can get.