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gregsting t1_jczjgvj wrote

I’m not sure this is more reliable than any other reasonable quality stereo amp though


podaypodayson OP t1_jczwzbp wrote

While possibly true, how many reasonable quality stereo amps are still in use after 20, 30, or 40 years?


gregsting t1_jd1rxim wrote

Still a lot but of course people keep the most valuable stuff. But is a Ferrari a buy it for life car because people will never discard it?


podaypodayson OP t1_jd2huyk wrote

Assuming someone buys a Ferrari as a daily driver and it’s maintenance free for a decade and a half? Yes.


gregsting t1_jd3ig89 wrote

It isn’t, but still people keep their 50 years old Ferrari and don’t keep their 50 yo Toyota