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OP t1_jbl1z4q wrote

> They don't make them like the used has never been more true.

Boy howdy! It's almost a joke at this point. Two of them have crapped out and leaked and I've had to have hardwood floors refinished. A good dishwasher is much cheaper.


t1_jbl85i9 wrote

Adding to the not making them like they used to, I bought a Whirlpool Gold large capacity electric dryer in 2001 that is still doing its job just like it was designed to do. I had to replace the thermostat once in all those years.

My advice, always look to the past when needing a large appliance. Sturdier and much, much cheaper. Better to have $100 investment crap out than a $1000 one.


OP t1_jbl9tyr wrote

An interesting thought. It would take some work to find an older unit that is well maintained. And it has to be stainless (I have a wife) but I think the concept is sound.


t1_jblca3w wrote

It's not as hard as you think to find a good, reliable older one. People think they need to "upgrade" by getting the latest model in a popular brand. Brand counts but longevity and reliability have to go along with it.

As for a stainless exterior, personally I avoid it because it shows every little thing. But that's just me.

Browse on Facebook Market Place and Craigslist in yor region for dishwashers. There are plenty to choose from.