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t1_jbm134a wrote

Leather. Redwings with a high ankle.


OP t1_jbpcirk wrote

Is this part of their Work or Heritage line? Thanks


t1_jbpocoz wrote

I’ve always worn these but in a 6” ankle. These are taller and maybe better for your needs.

I’ve had ~3 pairs in 10-12 years that i wear daily for work outside and abuse heavily. Gotta keep them cleaned up and oiled but they are the best.


t1_jbm6ufa wrote

I don’t know about any specific brands but rubber hunting boots are usually what I wear if snakes are a big concern. Not very breathable though.


t1_jbmhdom wrote

$30 rubber pull over rain boots or similar I think would suffice.... clean them off after use and your golden.

Edit: after rereading i agree... basically what chocilate_spaghetti said.


t1_jbmkmth wrote

Most leather boots can handle fangs. I prefer older style boots, modern rubbers and padding get compressed, stretched, sunbleached, etc, and you dont have that problem with just leather.


t1_jbnziov wrote

Academy actually sells snake boots that go almost knee high and I love mine. I have trampled all over the place in them.


t1_jbv085b wrote

Just about any cowboy boots would do, although I would suggest a pair that have a rubber Vibram like sole for your intended use.

Cowboy boots are designed to handle things like snakes. Source


t1_jbmy6ux wrote

Chippewa sells a boot named "snake boot". I don't have any experience with them


t1_jbnv41v wrote

Look for local shoemakers. Often that's the highest quality for the money assuming they're good at their job, and you have somewhere local to bring for repairs and so on.


t1_jbz942n wrote

I usually just wrap cardboard around my shins with duct tape if I'm at high risk for running into rattlesnakes with rawhide combat boots.


t1_jbnozeq wrote

Wear gaiters. US snakes aren't real anyway
