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4RichNot2BPoor t1_jbu9dvt wrote

I cannot believe I’m hearing people recommend electric heat pumps. It would cost me more to heat my house with electric than gas so I’m sticking to gas.

Please check my math based on my last bill.

Used 77 therms of gas @ .5948 per therm for a total of $45.81

77 therms is = to 2256 kWh?

I pay .0673 per kWh

2256 kWh x .0673 is $164.68

Now include an efficiency increase going from %82 to %100

Is $135.04 for last month

Please anyone double check this.


Unlikely_Estate_7489 t1_jbus61n wrote

Technically you’d want to assume efficiency of ~150-210% because heat pumps can move more than 1kW of heat energy for every 1kW used. It can be even higher in the fall or spring months when it’s mild outside.

However, you’re right that it depends on individual circumstances for the prices of electricity and natural gas. It also depends whether the user has or wants solar.

We’re in the Chicago suburbs and it made sense for us to go with a heat pump because we were also installing solar. It wasn’t much more expensive to boost our installed capacity and I think we’ll be able to get to net zero utility bills by disconnecting natural gas in the coming years.


4RichNot2BPoor t1_jbutnv0 wrote

Thanks for chiming in with additional info, still trying to learn more about heat pumps as this is something I’ve been installing more of as an electrician.

Living in the northeast US it says natural gas is my best opinion. So at what temperature range does the heat pump become the better option?


Historical_Air_8997 t1_jbucgw6 wrote

Seems about right when I did the math two years ago electric heat would’ve cost me around 3x the cost.

My state also raised electric cost 65% this year. So we would’ve been extra screwed