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Grease-KC t1_irr91wg wrote

Plus stylish as hell— incredible.


BigPooper20 t1_irs7btt wrote

I read “ages like me” — and assumed you were a fox with fully functioning joints.


darkspwn t1_irv6e1s wrote

One thing I've noticed about old stuff is that the imprints in plastic tend to last much longer than today. I got a 40+ year old fan from my grandpa this summer and after cleaning it, it was like new.


Allfunandgaymes t1_irs2zhv wrote

Toasters are one of those appliances that have barely changed over the years, and any attempts at innovation largely go ignored or forgotten.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Amtays t1_irse090 wrote


modernwunder t1_irsy1s6 wrote

I would love to be able to spend that much money on such an unnecessary purchase.


JuanWall t1_irsz25a wrote

not quite that much but i spent $150 on a panasonic toaster oven (NB-G110P) and i have not regretted it once


Unique9FL t1_irt0fw1 wrote

Can you tell me the things you like most about it? 🤔


JuanWall t1_irt26e8 wrote

it’s basically replaced my microwave for reheating food, esp frozen foods. there’s practically no preheating time. and it toasts toast super fast (~90 seconds) and perfectly evenly


obsolete_filmmaker t1_iruzmbe wrote

Ive been wondering about if its worth it to spend that much on a toaster oven. Thanks for the info.


TrifidNebulaa t1_irvhelo wrote

My toaster oven is literally incredible. Absolutely no need for a microwave anymore and I think it makes my food taste better!!


Unique9FL t1_irt0bhi wrote

I want to leave food out all night and smart cook it from bed in the morning.


obsolete_filmmaker t1_iruzj76 wrote

Every night, I put 4 strips of bacon on a George Foreman grill by my bed. Alarm goes off, I turn the grill on. I sleep for 20 minutes. I wake up to cooked bacon. Its good for you, its nutritious.


Unique9FL t1_irx8g1c wrote

I admire your breakfast skills. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?


apprpm t1_irwg47n wrote

It probably didn’t make it, but there was a high-end oven a decade or so ago that was also a fridge. You could put your food in it in the morning and program it to switch to baking at a certain time so that you would come home to a ready meal. I thought it was brilliant, but too expensive to be practical.


Ray_Band t1_irucy6p wrote

This was a 4 slice toaster in '82. I bet with inflation that's about what this cost in 2022 dollars.


happytransformer t1_iruvep2 wrote

My parents bought us a novelty hello kitty toaster on clearance at Target in ~2005, thinking it would be a cute gift that’d stick around for a few years. It’s still running perfectly fine 17 years later, HK toaster forever


TranquiloMeng t1_irrr4ie wrote

Is there like a website or secondary market where old school, never-die appliances like these are sold? Is eBay the only place?


rectalhorror t1_irtrohp wrote

Goodwill has an online store.


brisk0 t1_irul57k wrote

I had no idea there was an organisation called goodwill.

I just thought it was American for op shop


TranquiloMeng t1_irtx5s4 wrote

Nice that’s what I’m talking about. I’d love to see an active market for older bulletproof items (maybe a consignment type setup?) that actually gains measurable market share for the home goods market.

Btw your username is cursed.


BlackestNight21 t1_irrb4in wrote

Dang you're old. 😋 Who aged better?


Someone about your age 😂


TummyPuppy OP t1_irrfhqs wrote

The toaster for sure


jumbomug t1_irrwb16 wrote

As a fellow ‘82 model, can confirm. The toaster has aged far better.


Slipguard t1_irt3n0b wrote

Id be impressed if it wasnt that way. This toaster looks almost spotless.


Yara_Flor t1_ish3171 wrote

Another 82 baby chiming in.

Speak for your self. I’m way better aged than the toaster.


TheBaylorCareBear t1_irrfwo7 wrote

Well… I just want to put your mind at ease — I would still rim your saggy starfish.


nonsequitur5013 t1_irrvxte wrote

Your family on vacation:

Mom: Honey, did you make sure to tell the housesitter to change the cat litter?

Dad: Of course dear.

Mom: What about the toaster? We've got to use it everyday, remember. Otherwise the demon king will destroy all that we hold dear.

Dad: Oh, shit! I forgot!


siler7 t1_irumw6l wrote

Okay, lessee. Here it is. "Be sure to change the toaster and use the cat litter". Huh. Well, if it's in the note.


TheOnceandFuture t1_iruqkvh wrote

Right? Also make sure she wears the Iron Rangers from my closet as well, musn't forget them


Panzerschwein t1_irr5cpm wrote

We had one of these growing up! Ours died sometime in the late 90s, but had a good run with lots of use.


ChadMcRad t1_irrt78m wrote

Product designers in the 1970s and 1980s: "Yo what if we put wheat and flowers on E V E R Y T H I N G?"


plantas-y-te t1_irrbtds wrote

Which one did she put more love and care into?


gooberstwo t1_irr8txt wrote

Nothing has personality like this anymore. I guess it costs too much.


sarhoshamiral t1_irrbd4h wrote

Have you looked for a toaster in Amazon at all? There are hundreds of different styles, colors and even with images on the side.


gooberstwo t1_irrcomi wrote

I try not to shop there, but you make a good point. I bet going direct to manufacturers websites would be a good place for me to check. Thanks!


Huphupjitterbug t1_irrxv23 wrote

I doubt a majority of those would hold up to 40 years of use though :/


wimpymist t1_irsaop0 wrote

Toaster tech hasn't changed much they would probably hold up just fine


sarhoshamiral t1_irs0usw wrote

and so the majority of ones that were sold in 1982 unless you maintained them properly, cleaned them up so on. We are seeing a sample of 1 here don't forget that. I had a toaster from 2001 that went on for ~10 years just fine (and was still working when I replaced it)


Ok_Skill_1195 t1_irs3j53 wrote

While you're absolutely right there's some survivorship bias at play, let's not pretend planned obsolescence hasn't become a huge issue.

That's not even to talk about the number of products on Amazon from drop shippers that are essentially hot glued together to work for the bare minimum time to complete the sale


sarhoshamiral t1_irshy20 wrote

I actually haven't seen a study suggesting it did. My perception is that we have cheaper options now that used to be not available and as you said for those you get what you pay for. On top of that complexity of items increased drastically as people want more features which adds more points for failure.

But overall, at least based on my experience, a mid-tier priced appliance still goes a long way if you maintain it properly. The latter being a huge point. For example, for anything that use water the lifetime will heavily depend on your water supply. If you have hard water, the appliance's lifetime will be much shorter compared to someone who uses that appliance with soft water. That has always been the case though.


Helhiem t1_irt6xdu wrote

It’s really not a huge issue. Even the testing they do products nowadays is way more stringent. We also demand things to be complicated so they do more things giving more chance for things to break.


Darehead t1_irr926m wrote

Why have personality when you can appeal to a mass market? /s


luck_panda t1_irry1th wrote

It doesn't have personality. It just has nostalgic design.


gooberstwo t1_irrypsz wrote

I’d disagree, but understand what you mean.

All appliances now are monocolor or chrome.


Ok_Skill_1195 t1_irs498t wrote

Because that's what's currently in style. 40 years ago, lots of cutesy vaguely food related patterns and designs was popular, so you were inundated with things like this.

You only think it looks cool because it's vintage and most of its peers are in a dump, so it comparitively looks unique.

In 40 years, modern monochrome/chrome toasters will probably look unique compared to [insert the new standard toaster design].

What you really mean is that you like the design aesthetic of the past more than the current, but theres no difference in degree of personality. They're all mass produced and generic as hell (relative to the time period they were made)


gooberstwo t1_irs56xl wrote

Thanks for telling me why I think something. Here I thought it was my design degree, or perhaps personal aesthetic taste.


luck_panda t1_irs7w07 wrote

That's kind of just what is in and also what is easiest to manufacture. Once again the machine of dollars comes roaring in to make everything less interesting.


SlickBlackCadillac t1_irrc14k wrote

Id say it potentially costs too much in missed sales in the minds of manufacturers because they are afraid it will be off-putting. Though, there is always an opportunity to buck the system. This is why PT cruisers sold like hot cakes in an era where every car looked the same. Thank goodness those ugly ass cars were not buyitforlife! My opinion.


gooberstwo t1_irs5ayb wrote

That is a pretty penny for a toaster, but I’d agree it certainly has personality.


SkyGuy182 t1_irra648 wrote

Something something newer toasters are way more energy efficient


cutofmyjib t1_irrjnmf wrote

All the energy is lost as heat! Very inefficient! /s


Xyspade t1_irrgjxa wrote

Right? It's an element lol, the tech has not changed in a century.


luck_panda t1_irry76q wrote

Yes it has. It's power draw, capacitors and etc are much more effective these days.


Lampshader t1_irvayx5 wrote

Capacitors? Electrically, a toaster is a glorified piece of wire. Resistive heating is the same as it's always been.


[deleted] t1_irs3k9p wrote



luck_panda t1_irs80m3 wrote

Effective for efficiency which is what the person I replied to was implying it always has been.


thecementmixer t1_irrp6iy wrote

My chinese toaster from 2 years ago JUST died on me.


Slipguard t1_irt3uxl wrote

Yeah a lot of modern toaster manufacturers are eeking profits out of cheaper components. But a lot are still repairable if it's not computerized. Consider taking it apart and repairing it!


the_clash_is_back t1_irtiopz wrote

For me the case melts much to easily on modern toasters.

Get a bagel stuck for 2 seconds and you get melted plastic.


Slipguard t1_irttatx wrote

That seems like a very specific problem. I've seen several toasters that don't have any heat-exposed case elements which are plastic


siler7 t1_irun0ix wrote

For something that uses a lot of power, gets very hot very quickly, and is constantly filled with flammable better be sure you know what you're doing.


InsomniacCyclops t1_irurs1z wrote

Toasters really do seem to be going downhill. The last one I bought caught on fire the first time I used it.


payeco t1_irrjfph wrote

I have no idea why this thought popped into my head but I wonder if it would be possible, 40+ years later, to track down whatever artist GE commissioned to create this generic art for the side of this toaster? Like, do those records still exist somewhere deep inside GE?


SmellingSpace t1_irrp6qj wrote

I’m sure a company as large as GE has in-house designers and aren’t commissioning a drawing of some wheat.


payeco t1_irrpvqq wrote

That wasn’t really my point. A person at some point had to create this. Has who that person is been lost to the wheel of time? If someone really wanted to know who it is, is it even possible to find out?


SmellingSpace t1_irrq9x8 wrote

Well it was probably a whole design team, not a single person. Unless GE kept the project plan for this toaster there’s probably no answer to your question. The entire team might be dead :)


siler7 t1_irun4wx wrote

You're just full of unhelpfulness.



SmellingSpace t1_irvu0kn wrote

Haha well you could ask their question about every thing made ever and the answer is usually going to be boring: “a team of average to above average people in the company designed it and another team manufactured it or they outsourced the manufacturing.”


chelle618 t1_irraxhj wrote

I had one similar for a number of years and only ended up letting it go because a lot of stuff didn't fit in the skinny toast slots :(


ghos2626t t1_irrw6se wrote

Who makes toast on setting 5 ??? Your mother and I would not get along.


thatvhstapeguy t1_irrys0o wrote

GE made good stuff. I'm currently listening to a tape in a 1992 GE clock radio. Woke up this morning to a 1983 GE clock radio.


mad_science t1_irsuqp7 wrote

Hello fellow recent 40 year old! How's your soft tissue treating you?


Mtnskydancer t1_irrg4hd wrote

Four slice? Fancy!


pilondav t1_irstrid wrote

Wow, rich kids. All we had was a two-slice toaster growing up. It wasn’t even decorated, just chrome and black plastic.

My grandma, now she was fancy. She had the four-slice Sunbeam Automatic. No lever…the bread magically and silently floated down and floated back up when it was toasted.


Mtnskydancer t1_irsxixk wrote

That’s a secret ninja grandmother skill, not the toaster.


yourparadigmsucks t1_irrh4mc wrote

Love it! We’ve been through more toasters in the past 20 years than I can recall - and we don’t even make that much toast. Just shitty products, made to die and be replaced.


thatvhstapeguy t1_irryv4y wrote

GE made good stuff. I'm currently listening to a tape in a 1992 GE clock radio. Woke up this morning to a 1983 GE clock radio.


TummyPuppy OP t1_irthdyy wrote

I’m intrigued by both your listening habits and your username


captaincarryon t1_irse1gh wrote

There’s a 30 Rock joke in there somewhere…


higreen111 t1_irstjgy wrote

And this will probably out last you


dhbuckley t1_irt8t3l wrote

But I bet you are better looking. Even if you don’t heat up as quickly.


deputydog1 t1_irtesz9 wrote

Golden Wheat dinnerware (Homer Laughlin Co.) would look lovely with your toaster and the granite. DUZ detergent put a piece in each box in the late 1950s, I think. I prefer it to Lennox’s wheat pattern but will tout Lennox’s other patterns and its sturdy stainless flatware.


waleed3510i t1_irtzxxg wrote

Shocked how it has been kept in such a great condition let alone to be used EVERY DAY. Made in the USA I bet.


TummyPuppy OP t1_iru0bna wrote

My mom had a 1979 El Camino that had 60,000 miles on it when she sold it in 2000. That’s just her style.


NotThat_Chick t1_irudq1t wrote

Is there a model number on the bottom?


verykitsch t1_irvfkcu wrote

Would love to know this as well! I’m about to try tracking one down!


Iamfunboy t1_irrzczd wrote

The wheat pattern on the sides are priceless.


LightningWrenches t1_irsgzwl wrote

I was born in 85, I've had three toasters of my own since moving out. This makes me sad.


DudeFromMiami t1_irshya6 wrote

Probably uses as much energy as a washing machine but F yea. Merica baby


the_bartolonomicron t1_irstnt9 wrote

Those "art" toasters are some of the coolest looking appliances ever made, it's like for a solid decade toaster makers just went off and we are better for it.


LPL-SVQ t1_irsxznf wrote

Of course nowadays it would just be a G toaster, you know, since they sold the E to Samsung


breadmo t1_irt2v60 wrote

You guys sure love toast.


hlychrs24 t1_irticpj wrote

40 years ago for those who don’t want to do the math! Amazing!


tricky9 t1_irtn699 wrote

How Corny


tricky9 t1_irtn7la wrote

Wheats the Matter with Toasters these days?


weemmza t1_irtqr6e wrote

Oooo the anaesthetic machines we use in theatre are also GE. That's cool


Mygaffer t1_irtrgyz wrote

Has it had any maintenance? I remember seeing this design when I was younger.


musicalife31 t1_irtvz6y wrote

TIL: I want a vintage toaster


SeriBeat t1_irtwace wrote

Push present!


[deleted] t1_irtwtbf wrote

MY grandma had that same one! Thanks for the memory


outsider-inside t1_irtzcnq wrote

Can you imagine a product engineer pitching that nowadays:

Employee: “I’ve designed this to last at least 30 years, people are going to love it and this will be great for our brand…it’s a win for all parties”.

Boss - “You’re fired”


[deleted] t1_iru347e wrote

Missed title opportunity

"Used every day. Just like me."


Holiday_Horse3100 t1_irul870 wrote

I have a Hand mixer from 1976 and a food processor from 1980. Both still working great so no reason to replace.


rainbowtoaststudios t1_iruq2m8 wrote

For the life of me I cant find a good toaster. Its one of those things that’s barely changed except to be made cheaper and flimsier. We went through 3 in the past year and only didnt return the last one because we were tired, and while it smells like burning plastic it at least toasts both sides almost equally.


[deleted] t1_iruvvcm wrote

So…she threw you out first 😁😜?


ScribebyTrade t1_irv0szl wrote

Imagine the carcinogenic waste he’s seen


verykitsch t1_irvfrs4 wrote

Our house has its original 1975 dishwasher, still working fine! It also looks like a work of art, similar to your toaster. I’d love to retrofit it one day with all 70s/80s items like this!


masterkoster t1_irvi9rk wrote

Unlike you though, which doesn’t get used everyday


Princeofthebow t1_irvjfu3 wrote

Ah the good old times is engineers used to confuse managers with facts


TheChewyDaniels t1_irvmm4l wrote

That’s some slick marketing retrocoloradogoods


ivanoski-007 t1_irvqvcr wrote

They probably gifted it to her at the baby shower


BrilliantPlastic6181 t1_is2ogmc wrote

I was born in 82 as well! Can't believe this toaster is 40 and still works!


ProfessorrFate t1_irrcl35 wrote

Oh, how I wish that my wifi / internet connection / printer driver / mobile phone / laptop / car technology / on-demand TV had the consistent reliability of that old toaster!


daftperception t1_irrx0x6 wrote

You might be surprised how long things last when you only use them once a day at most. It's also extremely simple technology.


AnybodyZ t1_irrgtjl wrote

Yes, but how often is the toaster used?


Real_TRex_007 t1_irrso87 wrote

Also likely an electrocution hazard. And a fire hazard. Yeah.


pilondav t1_irsui54 wrote

All toasters are electrocution and fire hazards. People still stick forks in them while they’re plugged in and allow a whole pound of crumbs to build up in them. There’s only so much stupid one engineer can fix.


elektromas t1_irsyiam wrote

Probably wise to change the cable after this long, as they get brittle/dry and will break the insulation, causing a fire..