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MarthaFarcuss t1_jdv2dc9 wrote

Lovely. I have a Long Haul Trucker that I know will be the bike that I'll be riding when I'm an old(er) man.

What bars are you using? I'm running some Nitto Noodles and fancy a change. Also, do you find 1x limiting in any way for touring?


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwt9yg wrote

They are SIMS Works drops. I ride in the drops almost exclusively. These have quite a bit of flair. I don’t think they still make this model. The brake levers are canted about forty degrees to vertical.

I can’t ride the Mustache bars. They place the levers too high and flat, for my too long ‘ulnar positive’ bone. My wrists don’t bend like that.

I don’t have any problems with a single ring tranny, but I keep my load light and use a small chainring. As far as spinning out, twenty miles per hour is faster than I can hold onto. I coast the downhills. I’ve rarely wished for bigger gears. Single ring is nice because I don’t have to worry about cross chaining. I can shift while totally brain dead from exhaustion… Simpler, lighter, with good climbing gears are all good things. I’m not interested in electronic drive trains for touring. I want EVERYTHING fixable by myself, in a rain storm, with minimal tools. :) Maybe once they are proven to be super durable and dependable I might consider them.


Dirtdancefire OP t1_jdwtpuk wrote

I have a bum back and I found the Noodles to have too deep of a drop and not nearly enough flair.