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derpmcturd t1_jchfsa8 wrote

Very nice photo! Got a couple of questions for you out of curiosity if you have a minute:

  • What's the MPG you get on that thing? Are there any tricks to getting good MPG?

  • Does it have a bed in it? I'm not really familiar with this type of stuff so I honestly have no idea. If yes, what size bed?

  • What type of maintenance is needed on this and how often per year?

  • What's the average lifespan of this? Or, the typical lifespan?

Thanks so much!


Sloth_rockets OP t1_jchj0g8 wrote

I get 8mpg on average now. Super single tires with slow and smooth driving are key. It has a tiny 3' wide bed right behind the seats. Maintenance is mostly oil changes @ 20K miles. This truck is made to be over hauled repeatedly, it could go as long as parts are available. Not disposable like the current models.


zeepbar t1_jcjzcuf wrote

That ISO on that back is light. Not sure if that's a normal haul for ya.


derpmcturd t1_jck0s00 wrote

wait 8mpg? I always knew they had bad gas mileage but 8 is lower than I had ever thought it could be! Don't the old H2 Hummers get like 11mpg? This means if you're on the highway, you'd have to refuel every 30 minutes or something? Doesn't that get frustrating? It feels that like would drive me crazy after a while.

Additionally, what did that truck cost you when it was new? Also, what would it cost to buy, as-is in its current condition, today? And finally, what's the typical cost of a similarly spec'd new truck and do people usually finance one or buy it outright?

Thanks so much!


natty_patty t1_jck7zls wrote

Besides rail, Trucks are some of the most efficient methods we have to move stuff. In the us, a semi can be loaded to 80,000lbs while the hummer is only rated to tow 6,600lbs. Semi trucks typically have 150 to 300 gallons of diesel capacity meaning at 8mpg you could go up to 2,400 miles on one tank.


dantendoink t1_jck8m88 wrote

I bet the hummer would get worse mpg than the truck of they were both towing the same amount.


Sloth_rockets OP t1_jckio39 wrote

8mpg is pretty good for a semi truck. I have 240 gallons of fuel capacity. I didn't buy it new, I was 10 years old. I think it was about $50,000 new in 1993. New trucks are $150,000+ most people finance that amount. There's no getting a similar spec truck anymore.