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workingtoward t1_jdiggt6 wrote

Once the blades get dull, it just pulls the hair out of your nose. Not BIFL unless your life expectancy is low or your pain threshold is high.


CMYKoi t1_jdijfsq wrote

The real catch here is ANY of these that aren't pure 20¢ Chinesium will last forever, because you don't exactly have a forest's worth of hair in your nose, nor would you need to go logging in them woods on a daily basis.

If you only have to use it 10-20x a year, for 1 minute, obviously it's going to outlast a pair of clippers shaving whole heads 50 times a day at a barbers, getting turned on and off frequently to change guards and lengths, at that.

An extremely high quality set of hair trimmers may be BIFL even used 6-10 hours 6 days a week, but any will work indefinitely if you use them once a year to shave your head bald for cancer awareness and seldom else.