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65022056 t1_jccryz3 wrote

There's no way those are 2414, it's only 2023. Sheesh, you really can't trust people on the Internet.


WiB76 t1_jcd0fqf wrote

Someone hit the daylight saving time a tad too hard


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jccmy9w wrote

Not taken care of, but recently repaired some stitching and resoled for the second time.

I remember paying about $350 (CAD) in the winter of 2014, and how much it hurt to pay that at the time. However, I believe I'd have spent much more since then on replacements.

The cobbler said this is probably the last sole replacement, so we'll see how much longer they'll last.

One thing is for sure, I'll be picking up another pair of Red Wings to replace them when they do go.


ATS606 t1_jcdkjbf wrote

Good boots are hard to beat in my work. I’m assuming you use mink oil to keep the leather conditioned.


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jcdm7un wrote

No, I really didn't take care of these, but they did oil them when they got repaired.


Ok_Duck_9338 t1_jccomgc wrote

I regret putting off buying Red Wing dress shoes. When I finally could afford them they were discontinued.


gaurddog t1_jccyqr6 wrote

A good clean pair of Iron Rangers will do you for dress. Look a little cowboy but I hear that's in vogue.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jcg1y50 wrote

Thing is if you wear proper trousers (not the gimpy ones that are 2/3rds up your leg) then you can’t really tell they are boots


gaurddog t1_jch6vkv wrote

The heels kinda give away they're not just normal dress shoes.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jch7ke0 wrote

Ah really? I really want a pair i’m just waiting for that magical combo of drunk and just paid to occur so i have enough courage to pull the trigger haha. They just went up £25 as well so that isn’t helping!


gaurddog t1_jch8gs0 wrote

I don't know if you have an actual store in your area but they do a sale about once a year where they drop prices by almost half in mine. I picked mine up for $75 instead of the 300 that usually retail for.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jch9wcp wrote

What in the unholy moly. Thats a deeeeep discount. Nearest one to me is London i think, but that’d almost be worth the trip tbh.


gaurddog t1_jccyo5t wrote

I'm on year 3 of daily wear on my Redwing Brnrs

Honestly best boots I've ever owned. If work would pay for em I'd buy another pair in a heartbeat.


TribbeysCricketBat t1_jcddr2s wrote

I have a pair of 2414s from 2016, just got them resoled a few months ago after about 10k hours of wear, unfortunately redwing botched the repair and glued the right sole on with the heel misaligned by 1/4 inch. They gave me a refund for the repair but refused to fix the issue. I managed to sand down the area that sticks out but they don’t wear the same. Turned me off on the brand for a while at least.


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jcdfikx wrote

That's unfortunate, but nice that they didn't leave you completely hanging

I hadn't used their warranty services, as I assume the turnaround would take too long for me.

What do you think you'll buy next?


TribbeysCricketBat t1_jcdgbu9 wrote

You assume correctly, turnaround was about 8 weeks on mine. I’m wearing some timberland pros right now that my work paid for, they are not bad but not a long term solution either, most of the guys in the factory just get a new pair every year. I’ll probably save up for a pair of Nick’s or White’s, it’ll hurt spending that much on boots but I’ve heard nothing but good things.


sharpace8 t1_jcdk0m9 wrote

I have heard good things about Dayton boots. They are one of the only makers I can think of that do CSA boots that are a step up from red wings.


girlonkeys t1_jcpmd9g wrote

My dad has had probably a total of 3 pairs of red wings and wears them every day of his life. He is 75 and the only reason he bought new ones is so he had one pair at all times that are “dressier”. Boots may get a little ratty outside but every pair is still wearable and the first pair easily dates back to 1980 or earlier. Those boots are the best made boots I have ever seen. I do have a pair of Frye’s that I wear and they have had a lot of durability too.


captainmikkl t1_jcdja0j wrote

Arent those the Irish Setter model?


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jcdjfy8 wrote

I'm no expert, I just read the number on the tag.


captainmikkl t1_jcdkfd1 wrote

I believe they are, it will say so on the tongue and orig insoles. If their Irish Setters theyre technically not Red-Wings.They use their highest grade of leather for their redwing line, and the rest for their other lines.

That being said I have a pair and they have lasted 5+ years. Great boot.


2high4much t1_jcewcyr wrote

Should have to list the job though or it doesn't mean much


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jcfwykb wrote

Too embarrassed to list them all..


2high4much t1_jcgjhxg wrote

The type of work, you won't list it or are you actually embarrassed?

I don't think I could do carpentry for that long and have them lastis why I asked


alcoholtrowaway OP t1_jch3abv wrote

I did carpentry, warehousing, trucking, manufacturing, and a bunch of other things in between.


CapeManiac t1_jch1l36 wrote

Where’s the Time Machine?