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Ok_Duck_9338 t1_jccomgc wrote

I regret putting off buying Red Wing dress shoes. When I finally could afford them they were discontinued.


gaurddog t1_jccyqr6 wrote

A good clean pair of Iron Rangers will do you for dress. Look a little cowboy but I hear that's in vogue.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jcg1y50 wrote

Thing is if you wear proper trousers (not the gimpy ones that are 2/3rds up your leg) then you can’t really tell they are boots


gaurddog t1_jch6vkv wrote

The heels kinda give away they're not just normal dress shoes.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jch7ke0 wrote

Ah really? I really want a pair i’m just waiting for that magical combo of drunk and just paid to occur so i have enough courage to pull the trigger haha. They just went up £25 as well so that isn’t helping!


gaurddog t1_jch8gs0 wrote

I don't know if you have an actual store in your area but they do a sale about once a year where they drop prices by almost half in mine. I picked mine up for $75 instead of the 300 that usually retail for.


Lazerhawk_x t1_jch9wcp wrote

What in the unholy moly. Thats a deeeeep discount. Nearest one to me is London i think, but that’d almost be worth the trip tbh.