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mikeTastic23 t1_it5rijw wrote

I’d do a lot of research on quality leather brands. The vast majority are, for lack of a better word, trash. Unlike a lot of garments, when it comes to leather jackets, or most leather goods, the price usually reflects quality (diminishing returns after about $2k usd) You can’t really get a bifl quality until you reach about $5-700USD. I’m sure there are some that can be found a bit lower, especially if you go second hand.


TopEmergency1499 t1_it5v5w2 wrote

As you stated. That's pretty accurate. I think you can get lucky with a couple models from aero leathers being sub 600. Definitely diminishing returns after 2000.


FongDaiPei t1_it8xjxj wrote

Can you share some of your favorite brands master