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furbowski t1_itcrt9d wrote

I've been using mine to pull firewood for the past twenty years or so.

The axle is the only original part left.

BIFL? Depends on the life lived.


Snailspaced OP t1_itdetl7 wrote

Yup it’s only as durable as the wood for sure - when my dad replaced the bottom and the sides in the 90s he used a wider gauge plywood, and it’s put in 30 years. But for an original 200 dollar (cdn) investment…


furbowski t1_itdkxag wrote

For sure the thing gets used daily. Rebuilt in heavy sub-floor plywood with an extra layer around all the joints and edges. I throw loads of firewood into it.

But if I ever make another one I'll buy the axle and wheels only, and build the rest myself.


tipsycup t1_itelvzt wrote

We also have a garden cart of Theseus, a neighbor was throwing it out because he didn’t want to do the second redecking in 30+ years. Definitely worth the investment on our part.