Submitted by totallypooping t3_yavs5v in BuyItForLife
nodewarrior1 t1_itdko3x wrote
man be careful with that . there is still al lot of small amounts of rust. if that gets in ure food u will get sick. lock jaw bro is no joke!!!
ohyouretough t1_ite0eg8 wrote
Rust itself doesn’t cause tetanus. It’s bacteria.
nodewarrior1 t1_ite1tz4 wrote
does rust play some part in tetanus? i thought it did. does the bacteria come from the rust?
copperboom129 t1_ite2mmk wrote
Tetanus bacteria lives in dirt. Cutting yourself on a rusty dirty object gives it a way into your bloodstream.
nodewarrior1 t1_itei1ih wrote
why is it associated with stepping on rusty nails. or rust like objects cutting ppl?
ComplaintNo6835 t1_itelw13 wrote
Rust greatly increases the surface area where the bacteria can live. Puncture wounds are more likely to impart the bacteria. Metal in soil is a common source of puncture wounds and metal sitting around in soil is rusty.
nodewarrior1 t1_itesl8j wrote
ActualWait8584 t1_itfb35p wrote
Damn good answer
ohyouretough t1_itedgcf wrote
Nope. Rust does help in that it makes the surface of an object pitted giving it more surface area for bacteria to inhabit but that’s about it.
nodewarrior1 t1_itehu6x wrote
hmmm strange i was always under the impression it was rust that cause lock jaw tettnus from hearing stories about ppl stepping on rusty nails and dying. rust literally contributes nothing to it. i feel so dumb noww
ohyouretough t1_itel3uh wrote
The rusty nail thing is probably a big part of why the myth came to be. Metal in soil is a great way to make it rust while also harboring the bacteria.
absentlyric t1_itecsxy wrote
Exactly, I've cooked on my rusted out cast iron pan dozens of times before re-seasoning it in the past. No lockjaw here.
totallypooping OP t1_itdln7t wrote
That’s a good point.
javaavril t1_itejn7i wrote
Consider getting it rechromed, then it'll be ready for another 60 years of service.
sigma_hyperborean t1_ithev47 wrote
I’d go for nickel plating. Looks just a little more refined than chrome to me.
javaavril t1_ithhg82 wrote
While I do agree that nickel is a finer finish, replating in nickel while it is embossed as "chrome steel" would be so disordered in my brain!
If OP doesn't have pendant issues they should totally do that though :)
sigma_hyperborean t1_ithhwna wrote
Chrome steel here doesn’t refer to the plating, it refers to the alloy - chrome is added to the steel itself to improve corrosion resistance
javaavril t1_ithix3c wrote
You're comment here, of information I already knew, has no impact or alteration for my personal opposition to nickel plating in this scenario.
nodewarrior1 t1_itdr2su wrote
get all the rust off. then take a magnify glass and just look it over to make sure all the rust is off
a lot of food vendors in india make food products sometimes with rusty stuff.... gets ppl very sick. then someone attacks their food stall etc.
PLATxYPUS t1_itdy49x wrote
Rust doesn’t make people sick, it might taste bad but it won’t do anything more than that if eaten
BiasedReviews t1_ite617m wrote
This is correct. Rust does not cause illness. Bacteria cause illness.
mckulty t1_ite72wz wrote
It ain't the rust.
nodewarrior1 t1_itehz0q wrote
does the rust contribute in anyway to the lockjaw?
straycarbon t1_ite9lw2 wrote
Rust is just good dietary iron.
cosmorocker13 t1_ite8ouz wrote
I assume the potatoes are going to be cooked no?
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