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editorreilly t1_itvxyjo wrote

I have a 78' boler. Keep your eye on the metal A-frame part where it goes underneath the fiberglass shell. These trailer are notorious for cracking there. It happened to me. It wasn't much fun to lift this up on a flatbed to be hauled away for repair while on vacation. Have it reinforced at a welding shop, if it isn't already. Hit me up if this doesn't make any sense.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itvy6t9 wrote

The whole frame could use replacing in the next few years anyways. But yes if I worry about one thing it is the whole thing snapping! Thankfully I bought it off of a family friend who is an RV mechanic so it should be good.


editorreilly t1_itwt7c5 wrote

I know what you're saying but I'd still climb underneath and look to see if it's cracking


editorreilly t1_itwth1w wrote

A friend of mine checked hers after mine split in a trip, and hers had a hairline crack. Her reinforcement only cost $150. Mine was more because it had totally split.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvuv0 wrote

Did yours crack while you were towing? What kind of damage happened apart from the frame?


editorreilly t1_itwy04q wrote

A hairline crack had started before, except we didn't' catch it. You could see where it had been cracked, and rusted out a little. After it split all the way through on both sides (not sure when it happened exactly, but when we pulled into the campground there was a lot of bouncing of trailer, and when I looked at it, it was cracked through on both sides) The only thing holding the trailer together was the fiberglass shell. I think it happened the last mile or so going down a bumpy road because that's when I started to notice an extra bounce. Luckily it happened then, or who knows what could have happened. No other damage. This isn't' something to overly worry about, but it's something that every boler owner should check on periodically. I still check the frame before I tow it. It takes 15 seconds.


editorreilly t1_itvz30u wrote

Also get a rivet tool if you don't already have one. If it's anything like mine, I had to replace all the rivet on the cabinet doors, molding...etc. I'd just bring it with you on trips along with a drill so you can fix it while on the road. Also take it easy down bumpy roads, this little guy will bounce all over the place making the inside of your trailer look like a bomb went off. If you pack anything heavy in the trailer, make sure to pack it as far forward as possible. Having the propane and batteries that far forward helps a ton so the trailer doesn't start swaying while at highway speeds. Have fun, we love ours, but we're selling it because my family of four is just too big for it now.


editorreilly t1_itvziq3 wrote

You also might want to consider a gravel shield for the front window. Mine came with it, but you might be able to buy one from Scamp. Going down rocky roads kicks up gravel and could bust your window.


KarmaticEvolution t1_itx1m9n wrote

What a gem Reddit is for amazingly applicable information from strangers on unique topics.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itw3lfh wrote

Ya I’m bummed mine didn’t come with it. Doesn’t even look like there’s brackets to hang it on. Thankfully the windows are brand new so I should get some good use out of them.


editorreilly t1_itwt0d1 wrote

You could put them in yourself. Just learn to patch fiberglass, and hang the clips on rivets. The shield is really light, since it's made from fiberglass. Maybe 3-5 lbs.


Lochlan101 t1_itwubhr wrote

Boler? Hardly know her


ndbjbibcowbad t1_itwz27r wrote

Can we see the inside?


chimpdoctor t1_itzgobo wrote

Is this similar to an eriba puck? We have them in europe. It looks very similar.


VEI8 t1_itwa8pv wrote

I am interested in your rug. May I ask where you got it?


chewwydraper t1_itwp9vn wrote

God I want one so bad.

I don't want to camp in a luxury RV or trailer. I just don't like sleeping in a tent where I'm super exposed to the elements. Just give me a few hard walls in something small enough to be towed by my Dodge Journey and I'm happy. I don't need the fancy doo-dads that every trailer seems to come with for a crazy price tag.


modembutterfly t1_ity5cof wrote

Every "amenity" in a normal RV is one more thing that will, at some point, break. Or become infested with mice, or have a beehive in it, or a bird nest. Yes, that all happened to me. Give me a molded fiberglass shell with a few cushions and a Coleman stove. All I need!


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvkdi wrote

That’s exactly how my wife and I felt, especially having small children. We either got a bigger trailer and a bigger vehicle or got this little egg and upgrade it as we see fit. So far so good!


StevenTM t1_itwppoa wrote

Those solar panels look interesting. Are they plug and play (into a big battery I presume)? How much did they cost?


bigvicproton t1_itxa51o wrote

I believe I have the same panels. Very easy way to get into solar, and they are tough. Sitting outside on a camper roof in upstate NY for 3 years now and still going.


CoffinRehersal t1_itxr2ja wrote

What batteries do you have it paired with?


bigvicproton t1_iu3tiie wrote

I use deep cycle marine 12 volt lead acid batteries. But I don't care about weight since I don't move them around. If I was camping I would probably want LiFePO or something lighter like that. You could literally hook the thing up and start making power 20 minutes out of the box. That's how I got into solar. Now I'm off grid and the whole house is solar.


Dixinhermouth t1_itwibgl wrote

That mat won’t be lasting you forever with a firebox on it. Love the trailer - what’s the interior height?


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwjcda wrote

I think 6 feet 8 inches. And yes hopefully next season we will be having real fires


aj0457 t1_itvq3or wrote

It’s adorable!


kgolovko t1_itvrira wrote

Nice… and sweet campground setup too!


theblondebasterd t1_itxdqs6 wrote

These are so sick, but they've become almost a status symbol or at least here on Vancouver Island. Even ones that need renos are crazy pricy


Sunshineinanchorage t1_itwmm1d wrote

I love the little biker but may I ask what vehicle you are towing it with. That is cute as well!


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvds4 wrote

Thank you! 2017 Kia Sportage. It tows it surprisingly well.


Sunshineinanchorage t1_itx8z7x wrote

Good to know! I am looking for a smallish suv that tows light things! Thanks!


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itxgvwn wrote

Anything around that size should do. You can google the towing capacity of vehicles. I believe the weight of these trailers is 1,000 ish pounds, but keep in mind thats before you load it with your camping gear! Realistically I should be probably size up my vehicle in the next few years due to all the stuff I have to take camping


v0lume4 t1_itx9pxd wrote

So neat. I much prefer to see this than the absolute excess that is modern RV’s. I’m talking the ~20’ long mobile homes. Not that my opinion invalidates what other people do with their money. I’m just saying.


major153 t1_itxwk6v wrote

Any photos of interior?


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3yyb wrote

I only have a few but I have no idea how to add photos to a post I have already made! 😂


MlleSemicolon t1_ityj19o wrote

Make a separate post with images, then comment here with a link to it :)


CDJMC t1_itw17mt wrote

very neat and tidy!


crackeddryice t1_itx98sd wrote

This picture brings back childhood memories of camping vacations in California when I was a kid in the 70s, we went almost every summer vacation. Maybe I saw this same trailer then.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityah72 wrote

Hearing that people drove around in these things with their families a whole 20 years before I was even born is one of the reasons I love it so much!


SerotoninSweetheart t1_ity9vrn wrote

Y'all got solar panels?! I've been doing camping wrong.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityabah wrote

Turns out for the trips we do I actually don’t need them, but my battery was a little low before we left so these helped keep it at an OK level


djscuttle t1_itxn6rs wrote

Fiberglass is the way to go. My '72 chinook 19P can still polish up like new, and never leaks. Also better insulated than most newer RV's. 290 HP stock and drives as nice as any car.


GadreelsSword t1_itxstdc wrote

Make sure you have the wheel bearings replaced and properly greased.


worthitall95 t1_itwh076 wrote

I’ve been shopping for camper trailers recently. Mind if I ask what you paid for this? Do you feel like it was a good deal? Any maintenance you needed to do when you bought it?


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwicnp wrote

We ended up paying $15,000 CAD. We feel like we maybe could have haggled for 13 or 14 but the fact it was owned by a family friend and RV mechanic I felt comfortable paying a little extra. Literally everything’s been done on it except a frame which we will do in a few years so once it’s paid off the costs should be minimal. If you find one he mindful of the frame and the doors as there is usually a large gap in most doors. It’s very common for these trailers but some people remove supports in the kitchen which only make the problem worse. Other than that it’s just two fibreglass halves stuck together with minimal eletronics so really it’s super simple and cheap (in the long run)


Popbunny7 t1_ityxha2 wrote

I see you’re Canadian - be sure to join the Facebook group (just put in the FB search bar). It’s a very active and informed group that I’m sure you’ll find helpful as a new Boler owner. Welcome to the club! Here’s mine, Bea the Boler.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityy5g6 wrote

I am on it already, such a fun group! Excited to go to some of the boler events throughout BC


Blarghish t1_ity2exn wrote

I love these set up! Have the same car as well. A 2017 Sportage SX turbo AWD. Did you get an aftermarket hitch installed? Debating about doing that to pull my own little trailer when I go away for a weekend. I’d love to renovate and convert a school bus into a living quarters, but will likely postpone that in favor of some thing with the set up you have above.

Thanks for sharing, really great to see my car towing something!


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity35wc wrote

Not too many of these little Sportage’s towing things around! I had it installed when I got the trailer with a 4 pin adapter. It actually pulls it waaaaay better than I thought it would but you definitely need to be careful. The Sportage manual says to not exceed 100km/h and to stay between 2000-2500 RPM while climbing hills, as well as to not exceed 70 km/h while climbing; so it definitely isn’t something you can just slap a trailer on the back of and drive it like you stole it, but here’s hoping the transmission lasts me until I get a bigger vehicle for my family!


Blarghish t1_ity3hww wrote

Awesome - thanks for the reply. Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week! :)


Joy2b t1_ity3imi wrote

What a sweet little setup, you are going to make some lifer memories.


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3rzo wrote

Thank you! It’s quite lovely, and will only get better with age!


Otavio30 t1_ityqxo9 wrote

The juxtaposition of the old school round boler and your modern full of curves SUV is so funny, have fun!


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityualg wrote

Maybe one day I can afford a cool old vehicle to tow it with, but I work with what I got haha


11B4OF7 t1_itws07r wrote

Looks like a nice project.


matthewstiffler t1_itx31nk wrote

How much power does that little solar array give you? Nice set up you got going there!


JackBNimble33 t1_itx3jam wrote

In case you didn’t know, there’s a YouTuber named Mike Wallis with a similar type of trailer.


yourbadinfluence t1_itxo584 wrote

Isn't it Steve Wallis?


slicendyess t1_ityj9e1 wrote

Yeah it is lol, not sure how that got missed.

I thought of Steve as well, and these little campers are legit.


JackBNimble33 t1_itykl3a wrote

Good catch. I have no idea how I mixed up Mike for Steve.


yourbadinfluence t1_itz6xo6 wrote

The girlfriend and I have gone back and started catching up on his old videos before we started watching. I love that guy!


JackBNimble33 t1_itzb18g wrote

Yeah he seems like a guy I’d like to have a beer with. I’m not sucked up in social media followers but man did it break my heart when he did that video about his wife. I think that trailer of his will really help him work through the grief process.


DoneisDone45 t1_itybz3e wrote

anyone else hate camping where it's super close to other people? i don't even know how to find campsites that are actually in the woods and away from others.


TriGurl t1_iu0f50b wrote

That is so darned cute!! I love it!! Reminds me of the older style round edge fridges from back in the 50’s-60’s with its round corners and pastel color!

Hey can you tell me about the fire pit grill thing you have there? What brand is that??


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_iu0fcrv wrote

Thank you! Unfortunately I don’t know right now as it’s not in my house but since it’s from my mom odds it’s from Costco!


CoreyH213 t1_iu45yes wrote

It should as long as you take care of it. I think people forget you need to maintain things for it to stay in good condition


Pathbauer1987 t1_itw4gcy wrote

Does it have A/C?


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itw9nr5 wrote

I wish. That’s the only issue we may face but with how ridiculously hot BC has been lately we may just be fall/spring campers.


blumpkinSpecial t1_itwat1r wrote

why not build a fire instead of burning propane?


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwhorr wrote

Burn bans as well as it was our first time out and don’t have any wood


kappi2001 t1_itwg3t7 wrote

It’s not always allowed I guess? Plus in many cases burning propane is more environmental friendly than burning wood.


jEsTsBaCk t1_itwygsv wrote

I want something like this


WoofPack11 t1_itxtgzh wrote

I think I have that same propane fire pit. It rocks


BlackSilkEy t1_itxwcta wrote

What is that? Solar panels?


AnonKnowsBest t1_ityut0q wrote

Cracks, bondo, and PVC cleaner! The CBC of a boler


Brigittey t1_itz3orf wrote

We bought one EXACTLY like this in about 1990 in Eastern Ontario. Enjoyed it for a few years before it got too small for two adults and two children. We sold it locally and it went on a voyage to the Yukon where the buyer’s son was working. I like to believe that this is the same one still making one more trip.


Extractedpen15bone t1_itzlqvs wrote

Quite the glamping setup. The propane fire cracks me up


bogwitchforhire t1_iu0077n wrote

Can I ask how much it cost you, if it was a recent purchase? I’m dying with how cute it is!


wow-no-cow t1_iugrhki wrote

I believe they mentioned it cost $15 000 CAD (that's $11 000 USD)


Imkindofawriter t1_iuh4wjj wrote

I can't stop laughing. You.. You left the price tag on your


Optimal_Life_ t1_ity1pke wrote

Until the stuff in the solar panel breaks and causes you to grow a few extra arms


DaytonaDemon t1_ity2gv3 wrote

This sub used to be about old things that kept working great. Now it's about OPs' recent purchases that they hopefully surmise will last "forever" or "a lifetime."

BONUS POINTS: OP non-sarcastically following up his Pollyanna post with this: "If I worry about one thing it is the [whole metal frame] snapping!" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity2trl wrote

I mean, it’s already lasted a lifetime. I am sorry that I was not around to buy this thing brand new in 1973.

EDIT: A frame that has also lasted 50 years, and still going strong. As a newbie to towing a trailer, I feel this is a natural phobia despite being highly unlikely. However, it is entirely possible to hit a pothole and there goes your frame, happens regardless of age.


bentrodw t1_itwebnc wrote

Well made, but vehicles and trailers require a lot of maintenance to be BIFL and you will get bored with them


[deleted] t1_itxyy72 wrote



Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3clf wrote

It’s already got 50 years under its belt and still looks and feels amazing. Please, enlighten me oh wise throwaway.