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vacuous_comment t1_iu42h5f wrote

I pulled a Dyson V6 cordless out of the curbside garbage. These things sold for 500 or so USD new, so probably worth a look. It has the fluffy powered roller head.

I tested the thing with a friend's charger and battery and found it worked but the our battery was dead.

A replacement was 90 USD from Dyson. It seems very difficult to replace the just then cells inside. I got an aftermarket battery from ifixit or similar for maybe 30 USD or so. The thing works fine.

I bought a charger from ebay or something. I also got the wall mount with extra tools pretty cheap from ebay.

We have it hung in the kitchen now for quick use on small cleanup jobs. For the main part vacuuming we use a european market Miele.

The Dyson is super plasticy and I am always worried things are going to break on it. No way I would have paid full price but rehabbing one from the trash was totally worth it.

Take from this what you will.