Anyone having issues with new dickies stuff? On the right is their old 834 shorts I've worn for years and on the left their new "everyday" shorts after barely two months of use!
Submitted by SuperDidier t3_yjf590 in BuyItForLife
The store you buy it at has I huge affect on the quality. Never buy Dickies, Carhart etc at a Walmart for instance. They are completely different than the stuff you find at an Army Surplus type of store.
Levis is the same. I have two pairs of 501s. They are completely different in quality. I don't remember where I got them, I wanted their color from different places. One pair is lighter, the pockets and button holes got stretched out. The other pair look and feel new.
They are for sure two different pairs of jeans, but have the same tags.
Even the size of Levis differs depending on where you buy it.
Black labels I believe are the cheapest of them. I've religiously worn Levi's for the last 12 years or so. Orange labels are usually the better quality, I generally buy secondhand so never know where they come from. They get the denim from different countries which varies the quality, and always printed on the inside tags. Been meaning to check my favorite ones for the region so I can get constant pairs but I forget. I install tile though so I go through jeans quickly (hence the second hand 10-20$ pairs). Recently though I bought a couple pairs(always same size and fit) but they're significantly different in fit. Can't even button them up
Really? So Walmart’s selling knockoff dickies?
Not knockoffs. It's the same idea as outlet malls. They used to buy out of season and overstock items and sell them at a discount. But then the companies decided they could monetize even the discount market and began producing lower quality goods with their branding. It's like the direct-to-VHS version of retail.
This is so interesting. I always wondered why/how Sears could sell 501s for $40 (some years ago) but other stores with higher end stuff sold them for much much more.
Yep. It's all nonsense.
I was touring a factory once and they were manufacturing some at-the-time name brand pants (Bill Blass?). They were coming off the machines. Then a buzzer sounded, the machines stopped for a few minutes. When they started back up, same pants, Wranglers labels.
Exactly the same as the Black Friday bullshit. People think they're getting great deals, but they're getting cheaper made products with cheap internals. It's all an illusion, but it works because we're consumers first and foremost. I don't participate, but I'm as much a part of the problem because I still give shitheads like Wal-Mart my money for other things.
It will be a line of the name brand made especially for Walmart. At one time Outlet shops for chains was to offload the stuff that didn't sell. Now those brands make an entire cheaper and lower quality version just to sell in their outlet shops.
this made me so sad. outlet malls selling out of season/stuff they didn’t sell sounds AMAZING. outlet malls selling shitty quality stuff the companies made specifically for them is horrible!!! just adding more garbage to the landfill, man… that’s so disheartening
Early outlet stores were amazing. I miss them too.
Now it’s all “factory stores” instead of outlets.
Outlet = some items are factory rejects, most items are actually just from a year or two old design, and they have made changes to the newest design.
Factory Store: we sell our own stuff directly to you. Cut out the middle man, pay us!
They buy in large enough quantities they ask the brand and manufacturer to make them a specific way to hit a price point in their stores that they sell them for. They’re never the exact same model or anything that would buy directly from the brand or something. The items are often one digit off and tough to find on the tag.
Same goes for Black Friday stuff. They order shit specifically made to be sold on Black Friday and no other day. It’s fair shittier bc it has to be sold so cheaply at their stores. Electronics are a great example.
This is shocking to me that it’s not illegal. It’s been the issue I’ve had with Amazon prime for the last few years but I didn’t realize all retailers are doing this too. You think you’re buying quality name brand, but shoddy, low quality merchandise arrives instead.
But directly from the manufacturer to avoid it. Also, if you’re an American, I ask when has this country protected consumers over corporations in the past two decades? C’mon.
I freaking wish we still had a Army/Navy surplus store near me.
As long as it's truly the same product this is one of the most often repeated but unsubstantiated claims I've seen here.
Certain brands will make different products at different price points and sell them at different stores (TVs are a prime example of this), but a traditional Carhartt jacket is going to be the same regardless of where it's bought.
Walmart also doesn't sell Carhartt in their stores to my knowledge. maybe, but that's more third parties using their website to sell than Walmart themselves.
And if you buy it from it will be different. And be a "traditional Carhartt" because they are still made by Carhartt. Don't believe me, I don't care. But if you get the lesser one sometime you will see it is different thats all.
I love the Walmart Dickies. Half the price, they last just long (about 3 months), and they aren't stretch material like the real ones seem to be.
I do not agree that they are just as good. There is a reason they are half the price!
I have both, they both ripped in the seat after about 3 months. Are they really twice as good for twice the price if they fail at the same rate?
That sounds more like something you are doing than either one of the items. Like, how you get out of your vehicle or some such.
I admit it, I do wear my pants.
Welp, there's your problem.
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