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kairon156 t1_iuxotlg wrote

My brotehr and I had modern laundry baskets. His became crushed within months. mine ended up the same after a year of use.
It's sad that even something like plastic is so cheaply made in many products today.


battraman t1_ivag9vv wrote

I feel like after decades of having one basket die on me after another that I should really seek out a better material for them.


kairon156 t1_ivakggj wrote

I like the tall rectangle ones [This sort of thing] ( for modern day baskets.

I tried a laundry bag but the shoelace like string slipped out over time. Now it's basically a useless oversized fabric bag.
Currently I'm using a large shopping bag with handles for holding my laundry because their made to carry a nice bit of weight.