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t1_ivf2shx wrote

Colombia sportswear too. At least in my experience.

Growing up - North Face, Timberland, and Converse were all American made and made to last. Now they're utter trash, brands that are attached to crap.


t1_ivg0yxo wrote

I've got some Columbia shorts handed down from my dad that are like 15 years old and they're in perfect condition minus fading. Columbia has quickly become my favorite clothing brand over the past couple years.


t1_ivfps5e wrote

I have a Columbia raincoat I bought in 2012 and it's in tatters now. Do they have a warranty or stand behind their products at all?

Filling out a claim right now to see if they stand behind it.

edit: why the downvote folks?
edit2: Columbia's warranty is amazing. They hooked me up!


t1_ivg9mwh wrote

10 years is pretty long for a rain jacket though.

Did you happen to launder it with normal detergent (which would ruin it), or not at all?

Or did you annually apply a technical wash specifically for hard-shell care and rewaterproofing as is best practice?


t1_ivh0djs wrote

I'm happy if clothes last 10 years. Let's be honest - after a decade somethings going to be different - my size, style, trends. A decade is bifl quality for clothing.


t1_ivga7m7 wrote

Neither washed or extra treated. I used it solidly for about 5 winters as well as worked hard using it during harvest time in the rain.

Today I filled out a warranty claim and mailed it in so we'll see. I'll be stoked if they repair/replace it.
I just recently bought a used Patagonia raincoat to replace it.


t1_iwarela wrote

Very disappointed by north face. Bought winter gloves and only got two seasons out of them before the stitching started separating.


t1_iwe8rou wrote

Thank you for the Columbia tip! Their warranty and CS is amazing. They actually credited me over 3x what I paid for my raincoat originally. Xmas coming early for me this year. Cheers!!