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ZombiePixel4096 t1_iwjfrv2 wrote

Dualit. It’s a tank. It’s reparable. Full manual. No Electronics. AND Make the best toast.


flannelheart OP t1_iwoq12x wrote

Oh, man! This is right up my alley...other than the fact that the slots aren't long enough for my usage. I am seriously eyeing their kettles, however! Really love their business model and design. Thanks for introducing me to them :)


Neutrinoh t1_ix9j4kr wrote

Have you seen this one? Slots that are nearly 10.25"! But where can I get one in the states?


flannelheart OP t1_ix9ko70 wrote

Oh, hell yeah! I did not see that when I went on their site. I'm going to start hunting. If you find where to get one in the states please let me know and I will do the same. Thank you!


Neutrinoh t1_ix9mf3d wrote

I've seen a couple on e-bay, but that's it so far.