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t1_ix774te wrote

Kinda looks like a car seat belt.


t1_ixahsoe wrote

I have one and they're incredible. They're the best things ever. I've put them through industrial grade wear and tear and they look flawless as day 1.

I absolutely recommend them.


OP t1_ix6yjul wrote

I hate the implication of many modern products that they are meant to be disposable, so I will always sing praise when I find something that actually lasts. I put this belt through a lot, hiking, work around the farm, and daily use, and it has essentially 0 ware after 3 years.


t1_ix855q7 wrote

How does it do carrying tools on it?


t1_ix91yp9 wrote

Depends on how many tools. I'm not OP but I have this belt and it's a little skinny if you're hanging a full large pouch on it but something small with a few things does alright.


t1_ix99e39 wrote

I've carried an impact and a drill with 4AH batteries and had little issue


t1_ixcamsy wrote

I hang my Milwaukee impact and power wrench on the standard size belt all the time. Just give your belt an extra tug for tightness to reduce the sag.


t1_ix8t1nk wrote

I also have one that I use daily for about 4 or 5 years. Looks just as good as yours.


t1_ix8mmfl wrote

Like it cause you could use in medical emergency also. Is that metal? Could I engrave a design in it? I might have to grab one.


t1_ixaxikf wrote

Is this comfortable? I don’t like leather belts so I try to buy canvas belts with grommets. I hate the “D ring” type fasteners because every one I’ve bought slips a little and never stays. Does this clasp/ buckle have any slip to it?


t1_ixb10az wrote

No they don’t. It’s a great belt. The only issue I have with it is it’s not super easy to unbuckle. I prefer the Carbon Tactics Ti-Hook. Cheers!


t1_ixcquew wrote

Comes off easier than a traditional belt imo. Need to know the technique though.


t1_ix7p00t wrote

I've had mine for over 5 years now and it looks just the same as the day that I bought it. It is the most comfortable belt that I've ever had. It's light and the belt buckle doesn't bulge out at all. I did end up buying a second one so that I could mix and match the belt/buckle colors though.


t1_ix7c2er wrote

I bought a three pack and they’re the best belt I have ever owned. It’s a pity I can’t get the fibres right when I cut it.


t1_ix954zt wrote

If you're careful, a lighter will do the trick, melt it just enough to singe the edge to make it pliable, then edge/smoosh together.


t1_ix6yv41 wrote

My husband and I Love our grip 6 belts and wear them almost daily! We have a whole collection and share buckles and most of the belts are long enough for us both to wear them reasonably. It’s a win!


t1_ix7r4nq wrote

All these belt posts. Aren't belts low hanging fruit, BIFL-wise? Like, you really have to screw it up for it not to be BIFL. I have two inexpensive leather belts that I got at M&S (department store in the UK) as a teenager, and they're still going strong after 20 years. One has been worn almost daily. I think if it's reasonably thick real leather, it just lasts, regardless of brand and cost.


t1_ix8idyw wrote

For most people yes, a belt really should not break from just wearing it to the office and around town. However, if you are doing a manual labour job belts can go pretty fast from my experience. I currently have a Core Essentials belt that is going on 3.5 years, but before that I was going through about 1 belt every 8 months regardless of price or maintenance.


t1_ix7v73i wrote

Depends on the use case, I think in a lot of cases leather will degrade over time if not taken care if properly or under very heavy use, which some belts are.


t1_ixa5yex wrote

In the US, you would be hard pressed to find quality belts like you describe in department stores.


t1_ix8rcql wrote

I've seen some cheaply made leather belts completely disintegrating after a few years, so it it possible to mess them up, but for the most part you are right. The last time I needed a new belt it wasn't because my last one had worn out, but because at 24 I had finally outgrown the Boy Scout belt I wore in high school. I went to the Scout store, bought a new one, and 4 years later that one has only a few scratches in the buckle coating to show for it.


t1_ix99pbk wrote

I got a reasonably nice 686 belt and wore it (rarely) for only 3 or 4 years before it was noticeably worn


t1_ix83wo8 wrote

My husband has this belt and he LOVES it. He says he will never buy a traditional belt again.


t1_ix7qyxh wrote

I've been using mine for 5+ years at this point with no discernable wear n' tear.


t1_ix97kjn wrote

Mine was completely deformed in the rear near the back belt loop within 6 months.


t1_ix9a9xg wrote

They have a lifetime warranty, just ask for a replacement


t1_ix9wvqj wrote

Oh shid I didn’t realize that. I replaced it with a Hank’s belt but I’d like some variety. Thanks for the heads up


t1_ix74f5d wrote

This is 100% an ad.


t1_ix9ev7z wrote

Three separate posts I've seen mentioning grip6 today alone, plus new sponsorship deals for them too in the disc golf community, so it's very possible to be a marketing push. /r/HailCorporate


OP t1_ix75jca wrote

yeah ik it reads that way ahah, but its my honest experience with it.


t1_ix95uaz wrote

Getting some paid add feels on this one with the raving reviews.


t1_ixabdiq wrote

Also the person who keeps popping in to mention the warranty when someone mentions a bad experience lol


t1_ix9r6a3 wrote

I really like mine as well, I haven't had it quite as long, probably a little over a year, but you really can't tell, it is not showing ANY wear. It might be an ad, but so many people chiming in with similar experiences kinda blows that assumption away a bit. The only thing I worry about on mine is the sealed/singed/hard edge where they cut it getting frayed. So far, so good though.


t1_ix9xk56 wrote

I've got a bunch of Grip6 stuff that I really like, and I never miss an opportunity to recommend it. I read this comment and I started typing out my support for OP, but I can't refute this comment without doubling down and sounding more like an ad. No matter what I say that's positive about the brand will just corroborate that this is, in fact, an ad. But it's not, I swear! I just like their belts! And socks! And Wallets! I pay them lots of money, they don't pay me! I promise!


t1_ixaaig9 wrote

> I can't refute this comment without doubling down and sounding more like an ad

I feel you. You're correct and thats why its all so insidious.


t1_ixb68q6 wrote

lol. I can see why it seems that way, but I've honestly had a phenomenal experience with my purchase! Not too surprised to see others chiming in with their experiences.


t1_ix7j9xs wrote

Three years isn’t a long time.


OP t1_ix7ka3f wrote

Of course, but relative to every other belt ive owned it is, and I was mostly comparing to the top post on this sub today which showed two leather belts after a year and both were very deformed in comparison.


t1_ix7o2kt wrote

I've had mine for much much longer than that and aside for a few scratches on the buckle it is holding up amazingly well. I completely agree with you, it has buy it for life quality to it. The lack of wear and tear is just amazing.


t1_ix907p5 wrote

I have an elastic belt I bought on Amazon in 2012 for $3 that I still wear daily. It still looks brand new.


t1_ix8k535 wrote

I have a grip6 too, I think yours ages better, mine is great, but the nylon belt is not my fav


t1_ix8nr9c wrote

I completely agree! I have had my Grip6 for three years, and it is as good as new!


t1_ix8pmjs wrote

I bought their 6 buckles and 3 belts kit a year ago. Its been really nice to be able to swap buckles and belt colors on a whim. I also bought their carbon fiber buckle because I travel a lot and the lack of metal makes TSA encounters a bit more seamless.


t1_ix86itr wrote

Yeah, I was thinking that. I’ve got a nylon belt that has lasted me about 20 years, very much not daily use though. Leather is a bad material to make a belt from.


t1_ixapde3 wrote

Mild disagree. I have a nylon belt, no wear very sturdy.. My old, high quality leather belt slightly adhere and stretched to fit my actual waistline. The nylon one stays in it’s perfect “cylinder” when on my body and the leather one flared out on parts and developed some dips over time. The leather one fit better overall, especially over time. I’m a big boy though, so this “feature” may be less relevant for more trim folks.


t1_ix7zbhr wrote

Mines holding up well too after a few years and I wear it to work. They are pretty bombproof.


t1_ix8ggt4 wrote

I have one if these. Super simple design, sturdy materials, solid purchase. Been wearing it daily for the past couple of years, little to no signs of wear.


t1_ix8osxo wrote

This belt is sturdy and comfortable for everyday use, but I do find myself tightening it often and it never gets quite as tight fitting as traditional belts.


t1_ixajucz wrote

^ This

A very meh experience. Just another belt type that looks good on paper but disappoints in real life.


t1_ixalqxw wrote

Don't take my post wrong, it doesn't disappoint me at all. I love it and wear it every single day over my suspenders or leather belts. Far more comfortable.


t1_ix91bs3 wrote

I want to get one for my dad but I'm not sure how to go about getting his size.


t1_ix9a7io wrote

With Grip6, take your best bet and go up a size or two. Theyre basically infinitely adjustable


t1_ix94owz wrote

Nylon belts are the way to go, they can be super cheap too it's just nylon, and easy to replace and repurpose in general with removable buckles.

Even cheap generic, plastic buckles are extremely durable, have been using a couple for 4 years now. Amazon and ebay have resellers that sell them for $5-10, they likely come from China, could probably find them even cheaper on aliexpress if a person doesn't mind slow shipping.


t1_ix99k9r wrote

These are great belts, I have a few and they look good as new still.

The first one I bought from Kickstarter must have been in 2015, still going strong.


t1_ix9oc2u wrote

Not a belt I recommend. It always gradually loosens on me, and I am constantly retightening it. Finally gave up wearing it. Had two different straps.


t1_ix9rqb0 wrote

I find it doesn't slip at all, due to the way it grabs the belt. Can you physically make it slip if you grab it and pull from the belt parts not in the buckle? I understand for you it's a loosen-over-time thing, just trying to see if I can replicate it.


t1_ixaj5i2 wrote

I do it exactly as shown in the video here. Even have the same buckle style.

Cinch it to a decent fit, and it appears to be fairly well locked in place, but over time, it may slip as much as two inches, which is enough to render it useless, especially when I’m readjusting it every half hour or so.

I got the Grip6 because I was so sick of belts delaminating, tearing, slipping, and just falling apart within a year. The Grip6 never fell apart, but it’s an underperformer too.

The only men’s belt older than a year that I still wear regularly is my Main Street Forge Heavy Duty, which will likely outlive me.


t1_ix9qbah wrote

Have had mine for 2-3 years and there is not a single trace of wear on it. This is truly a belt that will outlast anybody who buys it. It's lightweight, the buckle is nice and slim so you don't feel it and the belt never loosens. Best money I ever spent and I use it everyday at work as a carpenter.


t1_ix9vbm6 wrote

I've had mine for 7 years, and wear it daily, the only thing that looks bad is that it's getting crinkly in the back, but still going strong.


t1_ix9z70l wrote

My only no-brand cheapo leather belt has been with me since I was in college. I'm 45 this year. I thought all belts are like this.


t1_ixa2ynq wrote

I second this. Really enjoy mine, it has replaced basically all other belts in my closet.


t1_ixacx65 wrote

I bought one of their carbon fiber ones during their kickstarter. Do they only make aluminum ones now? I love the carbon fiber for travel because it doesn’t set off metal detectors.


t1_ixaipn8 wrote

I bought one recently and eh. Overpriced tbf and my buckle came scratched. I also can't get through to support anywhere.


t1_ixajmyl wrote

Honestly I just want a belt buckle that doesn’t dig into my belly when I sit down


t1_ixat19i wrote

Looks exactly like my grip! (Color scheme)


t1_ixaxwhc wrote

People are posting but it for life belts but I can’t say I’ve ever had a belt come close to not being usable anymore.


t1_ixay7nz wrote

The belts are great, but my problem is the nylon seems to be very abrasive on my pants. I went back to leather after about 4 months. Belts still look new though!


t1_ixazuya wrote

I have one, but I’m not a fan. The metal is sharp, and as a bigger dude it digs into my FUPA.


t1_ixb5w7d wrote

Glad to see this post. I switched to a Grip6 belt over 6 years ago, and my belt looks the same as it did on day 1! And this is after extensive use on almost a regular basis.

I also got myself a carbon fiber buckle one that I switched to a couple of years ago. Has saved me the hassle of having to remove it when going thru TSA.


t1_ixdb89x wrote

I love mine had it for at least 5 years now and never failed me yet


t1_ixlaedw wrote

My BDU belt has lasted me twelve years of daily use; it still looks as new as the day I got it


t1_ixpd3lm wrote

Love grip6. They have great socks as well. Similar to darn tough. Same warranty. Cheaper on sale.


t1_ix90fte wrote

If used as an accessory, yes. If it has to do any pant retention (i.e. the job that most belts do), then it actually loses its shape near the buckle and ages rather poorly compared to most belts #BuyItForTwoYears


t1_ix9a3nt wrote

I've backpacked with mine in Montana, used it as a tool belt, and held up a hammock with it and after 3 years I have noticed no wear. Regardless, they have a lifetime warranty so you could just ask for a replacement


t1_ix9inbn wrote

Always amazed at these posts. Like are you guys just wearing your belts too tight? Have never had a longevity issue with belts and I buy cheaply made ones from Walmart/Target.


t1_ix8xlhk wrote

These belts suck, don’t lie…


t1_ix8b5zd wrote

Doesn’t even have a scratch. Highly doubt this got a lot of use


t1_ix8ogry wrote

Mine looks exactly like this after daily use for a year. Maybe I don't get hit in the crotch enough but it does get unceremoniously tossed into a metal locker multiple times a day


t1_ix99vvj wrote

I literally backpacked a week in Montana with mine, used it to hold up a hammock, and wear it daily. It's been just as long as OP with no visible damage.