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CorgiRawr t1_j1sgcdk wrote

Herman millers are great but expensive


Otto_von_Grotto t1_j1sgu7r wrote

As someone else with a bad back, I hate Herman Miller chairs.

I've got a beat up old chair that I didn't like a whole lot at first but love now. All the information is gone, so I don't know who made it and I cannot find a replacement like it.

I know this didn't help, but I'm hoping for a new chair at some point.

Good luck, OP!


ZimofZord t1_j1shpb0 wrote

I have a secret lab one they have a 5 yr warranty which I have used twice now so not exactly sure if it BIFL atm


Ill-ConceivedVenture t1_j1shtld wrote

Not what you're going to want to hear, but your problem isn't the chair you're sitting in, it's sitting itself. Yes, a chair built for ergonomics won't hurt, but it won't correct the underlying issue and it won't prevent issues going forward.

I've tried all the top chairs, Aeron, Embody, Steelcase Leap v2, Gesture, et cetera. None of them helped. Know what helped my bad back and made it go away for good? Physical therapy. Know what keeps it from coming back? Not sitting as long or as often. Switching between sitting and standing. Strengthening my back with rucking / exercise / building core strength. Strengthening the hips and loosening them up. Stretching.

It's going to take work but the sooner you start the better.


jnortond t1_j1sp9iz wrote

I love my Steelcase Leap chair. I lost a lot of weight lately but it supported my heavy body as well as my lighter one. When choosing between the Steelcase and Herman Miller options, I read a lot of reviews. I do not regret my choice.


inovawilson t1_j1swno1 wrote

Embody, Clatina, Hyken,.... are very well for back pain. Depending on the budget, you'll have the best solution. High-end product if you can pay thousand $ for a chair like Embody. Or popular products like Hyken is a good option in the price range. For more information about these chairs, find here


Darth-Ragnar t1_j1swx6z wrote

Give this video a try, everyday. I have/had chronic back pain over the past two or so years and I started it about a month ago. It’s helped tremendously.

Also, Aeron and embody are both good. Owned both, and with Herman Miller, you can trial them for 30 days.


Looski t1_j1syh56 wrote

Same, I was rather heavy and the steelcase leap held my weight well. I've lost a ton of weight and my chair is still great. It needs to be re-upholstered, but other than that it's still going strong after 10+yrs of ownership


954kevin t1_j1t57cz wrote

I use the Steelcase leap v2. I also like the Haworth Fern and the Herman Miller Embody. I got my leap from Crandall Office online refurbished with a 12 year warranty. Aside from a couple light scratches you wouldn't know it wasn't brand new.


fjdlslecibw47328 t1_j1t6v8j wrote

I’d say get a huge monitor and blow up the screen size, that’s what I did and it turns out I have bad vision so I was leaning over really far. Now I cruise through the day leaning back with my monitor at 180% resolution and my back feels much better, but also regular and proper exercise helped a bunch too.


AddictedtoBoom t1_j1ta9gh wrote

I have a terrible back. I’m past the point of “just stand it’s better for you”. I’ve had multiple spinal surgeries and have nerve damage that prohibits standing for long. I use a steel case leap v2 and my back doesn’t hurt sitting in it.


sparrow-head t1_j1tafo5 wrote

I bought an expensive chair and it made my sitting so comfortable. After couple of years diagnosed with spinal stenosis. An incurable (surgery can help though) condition.

So what you are saying is the truth that chair sales man may not admit. Every sedantry person should be aware of this.


Ill-ConceivedVenture t1_j1tcruh wrote

I also have a Steelcase Leap and I can't stand it. Worst purchase I ever made. It's one of the the most uncomfortable chairs I've ever sat in. There is just zero padding in the seat (it's like sitting on a rock - actually, I've sat on more comfortable rocks than this) and the lumbar is far too aggressive, even when you remove the extra lumbar support.

Just my experience.


smashey t1_j1td5i9 wrote

I have a leap v2 refurbished by Crandall . They put a bit more padding in the seat and back and cover it with very nice fabric.

I think the current thinking is that ergonomic chairs should encourage a variety of postures and that is why I love this chair so much. I am 6'3 and use the chair in many positions. Back locked up,back tilted back, sitting on the edge, sitting all the way back.

A chair will not help an injury but I think the steelcase leap/Amia and other top models are the best office chairs ever. I don't like the aeron as much myself.


Petzl89 t1_j1tgmxb wrote

Standing desk, Swiss ball, inversion table.


Randum_Miss t1_j1tifbd wrote

As a former web developer, I've done the standing desk. I didn't love or hate it. I liked being able to mix it up so I had an adjustable desk. As far as chair brands go, Ergohuman by Raynor is top notch. My husband got one almost 10 years ago as a paralegal who never left the desk and it's still perfect today. He had back pain with his previous chairs and the Ergo was the solution.


anarchikos t1_j1tjed0 wrote

Yup, I was going to answer standing desk. I had surgery on my l4/l5 and after recovering from all that ended up with a pinched nerve in my neck. Got a standing desk and fixed it all. I stand all day, I don't even have a desk chair. If I get tired of standing I go do something else or lie down for a bit. (WFH is helpful) But sitting all day is a recipe for disaster in my experience.


HanDave t1_j1tm1je wrote

Not sure if you are gonna be able to get it outside the Czechia, but this is really the only chair that ever helped me.

Herman Miller is a good chair, but it just allows you to sit right, Therapia chairs are made to force you to sit right (making any other way of sitting highly uncomfortable).

At first, I was not able to sit in Therapia chair for longer than 1 hour as it was literally stretching all my shortened muscles.


Korallenriffe t1_j1txyww wrote

Check out Hag Capisco. It encourages moving around and changing your position a little while sitting. That is very important. For me it is also very comfortable and encourages me to sit up straight.


loonygecko t1_j1u0b0a wrote

It really depends on the shape of your body. Chairs are one thing I don't buy online. Instead I go to Staples or some such place and just sit in them all and see what feels best. Often the expensive ones are not even any more comfortable than the cheaper ones.


GrapeVanWinkle t1_j1ubho1 wrote

I dropped a G on a herman miller aeron. best purchase i ever made. just do it and thank me later


Negative-Reading1989 t1_j1ubj69 wrote

I absolutely agree. Staying in either position too long can be problematic. A desk that can do both gives you flexibility and encourages movement. For the sitting portion I actually have a wooden chair, something that I sit pretty upright on. I probably split my standing and sitting time 50/50.


vanslem6 t1_j1uqzyj wrote

Probably need to do less sitting.


mb_angel t1_j1ur3bo wrote

Embody chair plus very good bed plus great cushion. Did i also mention physical activity?


anon1002222 t1_j1v4jua wrote

Steelcase Gesture

  • “stiffer” chair option for those that like a lot of support
  • upgrade from the Steelcase Leap
  • best adjustable arms on the market 100% if that’s your thing

Herman Miller Sayl

  • surprisingly comfortable with a plastic/rubber back formed for ergonomics

Haworth Fern

  • neck hugging high back
  • have gamer versions with even more robust ergonomics

Herman Miller Aeron

  • use to be a super popular mesh seat chair but doesn’t seem to be preferred anymore in a line up of fabric seat chairs

SwimTechnical8122 t1_j1v86pw wrote

The best office chair is one that actually fits you. Most are made way too big and plush, which leads to poor posture. You should be able to sit with your back supported by the backrest, feet on the floor, and still be able to slide 4 fingers in between the back of your knee and the seat cushion.
Standing desks are wonderful, but I still find the need to have a good chair because I can't stand all day.


roseisnotarose t1_j1vsvdw wrote

You might look for a saddle chair or stool. They are very comfortable and promote better ergonomics.


anarchikos t1_j20um9k wrote

Exactly. Which is why when I get tired of standing go do something else for awhile (great to remind yourself to take breaks) or I lie down for a bit. For me if the option is there to sit, I end up sitting down and not realizing how long I've been sitting. Standing also guarantees you keep moving around, you can't stand without moving around for very long, unlike sitting where you can easily not move at all.