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DrBarnabyFulton t1_j0c9wgf wrote

Odin Mfg. Make quality gear (not found on Revzilla or Cyclegear), or Icon Hypersport (my personal favorites, that keep getting STOLEN).


Antonio9photo OP t1_j10gthi wrote

how is the palm thickness?


DrBarnabyFulton t1_j10iz6p wrote

The Icon are goat skin (I think) they're thicker than my older A-stars. A bit thick for Summer and too thin for Winter, good feel and soft. My Odins are the SMX, these are my Summer gloves. They're Cowhide and a little thicker but, perforated palms and breathe VERY well. I wish the SMXs had palm sliders, beyond that I like them a lot and they look new still after 2 years.