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Laetitian t1_j6acr3c wrote

>I don't wish to experiment with buckwheat, gel et al... just a normal pillow that isn't worth a million dollars

If you like firm, thick pillows, cotton filling is the best deal. Firm, cheap, and infinitely more durable than any polymer fill materials. Ideally buy pillows slightly larger than your pillow cases for truly bulging tautness.

The first pillows I ever bought were cotton-filled, and I wish I had never replaced them. They stayed with me for many years, and retained their shape. The polyester-filled replacements I bought were completely worn down after less than a year.

Mind you, the general recommendation for spine health is that you shouldn't life your head too high. But I can guarantee you, your pillow choice won't save your neck anyway. Exercise, posture, and an animated daily routine are the only true deciding factors of your orthopedic health. Just pick a pillow you like sleeping on.

If you prefer softer pillows, down or memory foam will treat you well.

If you want to go test pillows, make sure to find out your mattress firmness grading, so you can compare it on a similar mattress in a boutique. Apparently that influences how pillows feel quite a bit.