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ChalupaCabre t1_j6iqcx8 wrote

I used to always buy BlundStones, but they have gone cheapy.

My next work boots will be RedBacks.


Bakerbot101 t1_j6jelh7 wrote

I have red backs both as boots and safety boots. Legit the most comfortable safety boots I’ve ever had


ram_hawklet t1_j6is6wo wrote

I have a current pair of Blundstones that I love that I got last year, but have heard their quality isn’t as good as it used to be. Good to know that once those kick it (hopefully not for a while as I try to maintain them while also using them heavily) that there are these to look into


ChalupaCabre t1_j6itdmj wrote

Yeah Blundstones used to be made in Australia and were high quality. They developed a huge following globally.

At some point they changed the design, and moved manufacturing to cheaper 3rd world countries.. yet the MSRP didn’t reflect the companies vastly increased profitability.

Consumers are finally catching on, and switching to similar styling, but old school quality. Apparently RedBacks are still decently made.


FattyBolgerIV OP t1_j6jbhyp wrote

It really surprises me how folks are still praising the Blundstone brand, a lot of people don’t like redbacks because they’re bulky and not stylish - though I think they look pretty cool


The9ElevenDeniers t1_j6na88o wrote

I would only get boots with a Goodyear welt. The fact that blundstones don't tells you something. They are not making their boots to last a lifetime, only to last the tread.


ChalupaCabre t1_j6nbjds wrote

Do you know of a slip on work boot, similar styling to Blundstone and RedBack that use the Goodyear Welt system?


The9ElevenDeniers t1_j6ns1c2 wrote

I know redwings all have soles that can be replaced. I do not know if they offer anything in these styles, however the style have become quite popular. I'm sure if you look around you will find something. I think you can resolve rebacks.


The9ElevenDeniers t1_j6ntlmu wrote

Doing a quick search, redwing, Thursday, Alden and I believe Chippewa as well. You just got put in the time and verify. Imsuprised that any company uses anything but a good year then again most people do not resole their boots because of fast fashion. Most companies design their boots for casual wear. I have a strong preference for redwing because they use thick stiff leather and I have had boots that like 8 years with lots of hard field use. Even at the end of 8 years I mainly tossed them out due to the leather stretching too much. The boots started getting a little floppy on me. Not all redwings are built the same. If you buy their made IN USA line expect to pay about $250+ however comparing that to vans that will last only 6 months and cost about $50 you get a roi after 2.5 years. If you are wearing redwings casually expect them to last over a decade. They also have in-store locations, they will help you size the shoe very accurately and the customer service is superb. I am spoiled because my company gives me a $250 voucher to buy boots every year.