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GuyNemeth t1_j3zpkla wrote

TI makes great calculators, but I was recently given a new 84-Plus CE and I am definitely not a fan. I absolutely cannot stand the change from AAA batteries to only having a charging cord, and the slimmer design seems like it makes it more annoying to slide the cover on. I also don't like that they reversed the orientation of the cover, so now you have to slide it on from the top as opposed to bottom. Also, maybe it's because of the slimmer design, but the buttons feel very squishy to me. The buttons on my old 84-Plus feel like there's more weight behind the press, while the buttons on the new one feel like one of those cheaper scientific ones where it might miss a button press every once in awhile if you didn't press it really deliberately and with enough force.

So personally, I'm sticking with my old 84-Plus for now, but that's just me.


F-21 t1_j3zty0x wrote

I don't mind li-ion batteries. Like, 10440 cells are same size as AAA but last waaay longer (4.2V vs 1.5V - you can store more energy at higher voltage...) and are easily rechargeable and don't leak, stay charged longer etc...

I just hate when it's a non-replaceable format which is common nowadays.