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ras2101 t1_j426yn4 wrote

Makes me feel old that this is a “buy it for life” post on a product that didn’t exist when I bought my standard TI-84 in Algebra 1 which is still kicking it by the way lol. My wonderful TI-89 lives on my desk still used daily and that was bought in 2010(?) now I feel old


karmanman t1_j42dqay wrote

I have a ti-89 from either 2000 or 2001 and it still works perfectly. Really well-made devices. Also have an 82 from the 90's somewhere I should dig up, that thing was as rugged as the old Nokia phones.


FezFernando t1_j434gak wrote

Ha! I still have a TI-85 from 1992 and it still works.