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Muncie4 t1_j9gqvco wrote

Why do you have to be so dramatical and call non-stick "poisonous garbage"? 19 people died from lightning last year in the US. 0 people in the history of the planet have died from non-stick flakes as they are chemically inert. Use what you got as you could snort a line of PTFE 20 miles long and nothing would happen. Now there is such as thing as irrational fear and if that's what ya got, I understand.


DoomPaDeeDee t1_j9ksgjp wrote

It's more about the environmental damage. Plus fumes from non-stick pans can kill birds, so they're not entirely harmless.

I do use a non-stick pan, but only for eggs.


Muncie4 t1_j9lu5uv wrote

There is no environmental damage. You are reading articles about PAST manufacturing processes and applying today. No one uses PFAS or PFOA in PTFE pans today. And the amount of people with birds who use their pans wrongly (over heat the pans) to cause that danger is critically low.


ruuutherford OP t1_j9gsvw5 wrote

I’m certainly over stating my adversity to Teflon. this thread is not a discussion on Teflon; it’s an ask for advice on non-Teflon BIFL induction pans. I wouldn’t be the first person to overstate opinions on www ;)