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Signal_Fan t1_j8d506x wrote

Lodge Cast iron products but weight can be an issue. You can find them almost anywhere (Target, Walmart, local supermarkets, etc).

Leather products - Hanks Belts


wild_biologist OP t1_j8d5wfs wrote

Will have a look. Got some good cast iron already, but will see what there is at least.


dirtisgood t1_j8dnwh3 wrote

If you have cast iron, skip lodge. It's not that good. Wagner is better, but old.


wild_biologist OP t1_j8domd0 wrote

Yeah thanks. Might hit a goodwill actually, we have charity shops in the UK, but very different to what you have!


dirtisgood t1_j8dqxwv wrote

Goodwill, local thrift shops are fun. You never know what your going to find.

Also, you should ask about local food. Food here is regional dependant. For example: Texas has great beef bbq, NJ has pork roll egg and cheese on a bagel. Etc.


wild_biologist OP t1_j8dtfhr wrote

Yeye keen to have some genuine Chicago deep dish! Definitely asking around for suggestions, especially if there's an old family business.

Not sure what else Chicago is famed for though, food wise.


Onespokeovertheline t1_j8e8we6 wrote

Chicago has great steakhouses, and I've got to assume a lot of good Polish food options (sausages, pierogies...)


RealityRandy t1_j8e5caz wrote

I'd recommend Johnnie's Beef where I'd get a beef and sausage combo with hot giardiniera and a lemon ice. One of the locations in really close to O'hare airport.


Sorerightwrist t1_j8ewsnu wrote

You have tons of good French cast iron cookware your way already imo

Not worth the weight


wild_biologist OP t1_j8exsbf wrote

Yeah got a full Le Creuset set + a 12" US cast iron, should be fine, you're right.


oxfozyne t1_j8ft8r5 wrote

Don’t get cast iron get Emile Henry fired clay stoneware. They’re the best of all worlds.